Jordan Peterson - The Nobler Your Aim, The Better Your Life

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We don't experience any positive emotion unless we have an aim and we can see ourselves progressing towards that aim.

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The cleaner your room, the more orderly your dragon.

Roughly speaking.


Peterson has changed the way I view the world ... the way I live my life ...


"That's a problem for future Homer.. I'm sure glad I'm not that guy." - Homer Peterson


Aiming towards a value hierarchy, rather than Status hierarchy is the key.


The words he fits in a sentence is immaculate


Dr. Peterson, I picked my son up from 8 weeks in a mental health care facility yesterday. We listened to your podcast on the 3-hour drive home. I was so relieved to finally have him out. Today I realized it's just the beginning for him though. He's 22. I sure hope he never has an issue again. He is so smart and his dream is simply teaching. It's such a stressful job now, though, and he's a perfectionist.


I listened to Jordan, which made me want to get up and get shit done. Then I got stuck watching Jordan videos. Not sure how to feel.


a liar is a person who takes into account the world as important, a honest person takes into account himself.


Every time I feel like the word is eating me up fully I watch jordon Peterson, and things make sense again :)


“Smart kids learn to lie earlier”.
What about a kid that decides early it’s better to be truthful rather than lie?


These videos help distract me to the inevitability of pain.


You have to have an aim.
The world shifts itself around your aim. You have to have an aim. You are an aiming creature. You look to a point and move towards it. It's built into you. Pick the highest possible aim and that sets up the world around you. It organizes all of your perceptions, all that you see and don't see. It organizes your emotions and your motivations. Then, the day manifests itself as a set of challenges and problems and if you solve them properly then you stay on the pathway to that aim. You can point in the far distance and live in the day. Having an aim will keep you afloat when the flood is coming.


People think this clean your room thing is a joke, i started cleaning my room, and then I noticed the way i looked at things changed! I now take cold showers everyday, because when i clean stuff i feel a little dirty, and when i clean my room, i clean the doormat too, and i notice something dirty in the hallway outside my room and I clean that too, then I slowly go through the whole house and clean stuff, then I realize 2 hours has passed and everything is clean AF
I also started putting the weights back at my gym, i also re rack all the weights people leave on the barbell, and because of that my traps are getting bigger. I'm also scheduling my weed intake. No more running out of weed on special occasions. Because now, i know exactly how much and how often i use weed, and i call my dealer before the older pack has finished and i can count on my self not to smoke it all in one day.

Cleaning my room has changed my life! All thanks to Dr.Peterson.


This is exactly what i've been doing in recent years. If you want to be something more in the future, you have to put in the effort now.


I just love that below every video of jordan peterson theres a clean your room joke or meme in the comments


I can say that you are helping me gaining strength in my feet. Thank you Dr. Peterson. Since I am in the process of recovering myself I get real terrified at many things, particularly about myself. All would have probably ended a year ago if your advice weren't on the internet.


This is the ultimate video I'm searching for for decades. Thanks Dr


Even if you can't understand what he's saying, you feel his positive energy and it motivates you. Anyway. This episode is easy.


Great thoughts! Thank you for uploading this video!


When you have a higher goal, it automatically means that you have to be mature and wise to get that goal and then the best thing that happens after that is you stop becoming petty and mean and start letting things go because you can't waste your time on nonsense and stupid things.
