If This Begins to Speak to You From Out of the Dark, NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON IT! Minecraft

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We now know this as The Locust or Thumper from Dr Nowhere! But . . . how did it get in Minecraft? Creepypasta.
WARNING! Jumpscares are often in these videos! You have been warned!

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Just a note: my videos are only for entertainment. These are not meant to be taken seriously.

I really enjoy making creepypasta videos with horror, jumpscenes, and other fun scary elements! This includes videos with giant alex, minecraft creepypasta seeds, creepypasta herobrine, and other Minecraft Creepypasta stories! I may also do Minecraft creepypasta roleplays or tutorials on my creepypastas or how to build some creepypasta builds/maps. Also, should I try Minecraft 100 days, creepypasta style? Maybe even Minecraft in Ohio?

#creepypasta #minecraftcreepypasta

If you enjoy my content, I suggest looking up similar YouTubers like WildDogxd, Shark, Eystreem, mrhoneybun, GephoMC, and Not William. There are other YouTubers who are similar to my experiment videos like PrestonPlayz, DanTDM, and some of my horror manhunt videos like Dream, Sapnap, tommyinnit, and georgenotfound.
Enjoy! This is done in Minecraft!

Special music used in this video too!:
Music By MYUU - Royalty Free
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"I'm scared to be alone!"
*Immediately leaves house at night and heads straight for the dark woods*


3:13 - 3:34 doors are open
3:55 crafting table is gone
5:18 ‘joined the game*s*’
9:06 Blueyeexpress saw something
12:10 first sighting
15:00 doors are open!
17:06 Thumper say hello in chat
17:29 Thumper complimenting them
18:02 Thumper wants ice cream
29:29 TW: JUMPSCARE! Blueyeexpress come out of thin air
30:22 Blueyeexpress is not normal and not talking
31:02 Blueyeexpress is back
32:24 the door got yellow wool and dirt
36:54 look closely at 0.25x!
41:42 TW: JUMPSCARE! Long black hand try to get player!
43:57 Thumper steal blueyeexpress!
45:18 Thumper stalking them


"Oh man, I'm scared of being alone!"
Me: *Says the guy who goes straight to a dark forest with no one by their side.*


this is really good, it’s a big change of pace where it’s more silent no hyper youtuber talking over, makes it much more creepy than those other horror mod videos


Fun fact: the entity mentioned is a character from Dr. Nowhere, in case if you haven't read the description of the video.


Idea: If you see a humanoid creature that doesn't look blocky standing far away,


These type of videos are the only videos where i get relieved when an ad pops up.


Idea: the mobs that lost the vote.
Mob A: If there are no mobs in the ocean, don't go in the water.
It drags anything in the water down to be consumed.
Mob C: If your items lose their enchantments, leave your home ASAP.
It'll eat enchantments, then items, then mobs, _Then You!_
Mod D: If the Nether has more fire than usual, leave and never return.
Every chunk it enters get filled with fire you can't extinguish.
If the phantom had lost then it would've turned into Can't Sleep after you not sleeping for a few days.
All say "I should have won." before killing you. And they'll prioritize killing phantoms out of jealousy but won't attack each other, if they somehow meet, out of respect for their fellow losers. Although if you have phantoms disabled then Mob B might join them and all four will become more aggressive.
Imagine getting a survival island seed with these guys? They do often appear in the same world, so it's probably best just to delete it if you encounter any of them, especially if you prefer to disable phantoms.


Idea: If you and your friend hear a cave sound at the same time, RUN AWAY AND HIDE!


the way the arm grabs the friend at the end was hilarious


Idea: If your trees turn to diamond, UNINSTALL MINECRAFT FAST! Entity: Greed


47:48 my boy thumper really cried at this sentence😭


“I think we’ve got something in our world that doesn’t belong.” Words that carry fear and chills down a spine like wine ngl.


3:12 Chapter 1: Who Open The Door
3:52 Chapter 2: Crafting Table Is Gone
12:09 Chapter 3: Someone Stalking
14:58 Chapter 4: Who Open The Door
17:05 Chapter 5: Thumper Said "Hello"
17:27 Chapter 6: Thumper Said "nise wurld yu gott"
18:00 Chapter 7: Thumper Said " Can I hav Ice Cweam"
29:28 Chapter 8: Scare And Silent
30:16 Chapter 9: Didn't Talk
32:22 Chapter 10: Yellow Wool And Dirt W/ No Door
36:54 Chapter 11: Thumper Is Watching
41:42 Chapter 12: Thumper Had Long Arm
43:55 Chapter 13: Thumper Was Took By Blueyeexpress
45:15 Chapter 14: Thumper Stalking It


Idea: if you’re base disappears, DO NOT REBUILD IT

Based on: two players are in a world and the both made a big house in Minecraft. They have a mob farm with cows, pigs, and sheep. They went mining in the cave that they found. After they leave the cave, parts of the house are gone. The recorder placed back the missing block’s, the two players went to sleep then breeds the animals in the day time. Then the other player with the recorder hears a sound at the house. When the two players are out of the mine half of the house was missing. And the animals were gone also. Then the two players realize that thare are no other mobs in the area. The two players can’t sleep because the beds are gone. No wool was found. Then all of a sudden the server shut down. The two players couldn’t join the world for the rest of the day. The two players texted each other in real life to play tomorrow at a specific time. I’m going to finish this page an August 4th because it’s 10:00 PM


Love this Ray ❤ i’ve been watching your creepy pastas for years, glad to see you still posting, you’re still underrated, i hope you reach your goal, keep it up man, your videos are so well done. <3


Idea: If you see a creature staring at you that is impossibly long, UNINSTALL MINECRAFT. Basically the creatures name is Wrath, and it is made up of every hostile and neutral mobs, when it appears you start to here the sounds of every hostile and neutral mob play at once. Basically it intstalls mutiple viruses and one of the viruses deletes the thing running the computer, but if it can't, it will then give you the blue screen of death forcefully.


29:29 bro that was the jumpscare...My soul got out from my body for 5 sec 41:42 Another big jumpscare....



Lurker: Lurks in caves, forests, dark apots inmthe house. Whenever your back is turned in a certian direction for too long, you might die in minecraft, or IRL. Lurker looks like a tree, a daimond in a cave, or a mob.

Skin Parasite: Takes over your friends in minecraft, controls movements and speech in game. When a player is tooken over by these parisites, they die irl in the next hour.


Idea: if your house dissapears, DELETE THE WORLD QUICKLY!!!!
