One Simple Trick to Get Better at Math

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In this video I talk about a simple trick that you can use to get better at math. This is a good strategy and I think it helps people who have a hard time sticking to study plans or people who have a lot going on already. Try it, I think it works. Note I do this all the time with math and with other things. You realIy can use this for anything. I hope this video is helpful:)

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If anyone wanna learn math, go to the woods, and you might find math sorcerer , and he will help you with your quest


I am a simple man. If I see a man in the woods holding a stick and he says he's going to tell me how to get better at maths, I click


I had statistics and pre-calc with this guy, and I can say without a doubt he is one of the most inspirational, genuine and enthusiastic teachers out there. Thanks Mr. G, you're the GOAT


Instructions unclear. Got lost in the woods.
Send help.
Seriously though, these videos make a difference and we're all grateful for you.


Scott Adams says a system is better than a goal. A goal is to study math every day for two hours, but a system is to study math (at all). So today, I might feel inspired to study for two hours, but tomorrow, the motivation is only enough for 20 minutes. And on my worst days, I can choose to do just one problem, and still feel that I progressing.


I've been studying for a graduate math preliminary exam, and have definitely found that focusing on those smaller daily pieces of effort works wonders. I'm studying five subjects at once, and if I can devote even 30-45 min to each subject in a day, that's a good, solid day. Over the course of a week, that time adds up! It can be easy to get hung up on (and overwhelmed by) the Big Goal, but it's important to remember that reading a math book well is something that usually happens on the timescale of several months, not several weeks or days. Better to focus on the daily practice!


Initially it's annoying to stick ito any habits but they become our routine by regular practice.


"one day at a time" "one moment at a time"
Great advice!


I just graduated with a B.S. in physics, and I’m currently trying to self study General Relativity on my own time. I feel like I have to be on this routine schedule of studying everyday even though I’m not in college at the moment anymore haha.


Absolutely, mathematics is something that you *do * & it takes practice just like anything else. Do athletes train twice a week? No it has to be something you do every day if you want to make progress 💜


This one really hit home for me, i struggle with setting goals and sticking to them. I definitely think this is more up my alley, life is really chaotic and i find that all it takes is one little trip up and my whole plan spirals out of control. I think i can apply this to more areas of my life than just maths. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!


I wonder if the Math Sorcerer puts League of Legends themed questions on his exams...


Math Sorcerer?? You are my FAVORITE math professor that I never had in school!! You're AWESOME!!!!


this guy makes the ugly symbols in textbooks look like a magical enchanted language


This is great advice and is what is helping me go over all my math classes I took in college as a math and physics major 30 years later. I can afford 1 to 2 hours a day most days and is an open ended "project".


did math for hours everyday and i gotta say I can really see slow and steady progress. Your advice really works!


This might be one of the best advice out there. This creates a feeling of accomplishment and gratitude toward yourself and universe. I was given similar advice by my Geometry Teacher in the school back when she was teaching me Euclid Elements. You really are math sorcerer.
Also, what about working on almost unsolvable problems on weekends... That is really good wholesome fun as well


Just admire you and your frankness, sir! Thank you so much! :-)


You offer good advice (several times). This is life skills, not math. I haven't seen your math stuff yet but I'm sure it's great. These learning tools are excellent for sports, music, science, cooking, ANYTHING!! Just good life skills. Thanks. The one day at a time thing is very potent right now.


your teachings are flawless and timeless.
