Math in Game Development Summit: A Visual Guide to Quaternions and Dual Quaternions

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Sometimes people say "Quaternions are 4 dimensional". They are trying to scare you. It's no more true than "3x3 matrices are 9 dimensional", and no more helpful either. There is a concrete, 3D way to visualize quaternions. In this GDC 2023 session, Hamish Todd dives into how quaternions are created, interpolated, and composed together.

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I wrote the Quaternion shader library for a FAANG company, and still I found this to be a great and informative presentation where I learned some new things.

Amazing presentation :D


I'm in the first 5 minutes and this has already clarified quaternions better than anything else in the past 10 years.


Simply the best explanation on quaternions I have ever seen.


This is one of my favorite talks so far: i finally learned why do we even use quaternions, that they are a possible alternative to matrices (which i kinda dislike), and finally the speaker has shown this cute azimuthal equidistant map projection implementation which will help me a lot with my own project. What a talk, thank You Todd.


oh man, there was a time when I thought I wish there was a visual tutorial on Quaternions. Quaternion is such a bad boy. No interviewers ever dared to ask questions around that cuz they themselves are not confident how it works. Thank you so much for putting so much passion in this.


As a mathematician, I always find it weird to hear talks like this. In my head there is the geometry of the space, and I am just looking how they were implemented in the program (e.g. Quaternion, Euler angles, etc). Every time I hear such a talk, it always seems like there are 20 different objects, each one with weird properties that you need to remember, which are almost trivial once you know where they came from.

But in general, great talk.


me explaining to my parents how playing games is just as constructive as studying math :


applaud in front of my laptop, because you do deserve some applauds


This was a great explanation of quaternions and dual quaternions. They finally make sense to me


Wow great talk, I now realize I had almost come up with dual quaternions on my own once working in AR 3DOF for years, this really filled in some gaps though. It's a tricky topic to describe visually but the presenter made it all make as much sense as possible. I often use finding the from-to vector as essentially the same math, in concept, as from-to quaternions rotation, but I get a lot of funny looks when I do it, so at least I can now say, no I'm not just saying dark magic juju words and making weird finger gestures, there is a video!


I just want to say Todd that you are so gifted at teaching, this video is a downright inspiration and a testament to the idea that there is no concept too difficult to teach! I am someone who has struggled with Quaternions for years and yet after this presentation it makes complete sense to me, I don't know what dark magic you are using over there but it is working.
If you ever read this, I hope you have genuinely great day and that life is treating you well.


Ive only been programming for a year and Im following everything hes saying. Fantastic presentation here lmao


quaternions. the endboss of rotations.


Very nice presentation! I wish there were some combination of this and Marc ten Bosch's "Let's remove Quaternions from every 3D Engine"


Amazing talk, really helped me to understand quaternions, just starting my game dev career and i have to say, quaternions are something i need to get use to, but this certainly helped a lot.


This is probably the most useful GDC talk i've seen in a long time.


I decided to follow this using UE5. While the initial rotations worked fine and are pretty straightforward, doing the Q addition doesn't yield a slanted object.
FQuat q(0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f); // Which should be the addition of FQuat(0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f) + FQuat(0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f)
SetActorRotation(q); // All axis are aligned along X, Y and Z, not slanted.


Am i on the right track here?
I have a tidally locked rigid body on a circular orbit around the origin of the local coordinate system, i can represent that movement as a dual quaterion function of the position over time, where i move the center of rotation along the circular path (sin(r*t), cos(r*t), 0) and also do a rotation "in the same (or similar in case of axial tilt) direction" to offset the rotation with a skrewniness so both happen once per orbit (keeping the /2 in mind)?


Great video! Though I wish you had more time to explain how each element of the Double-quaternion works.


"If you cannot build something with a concept you think you understand, you don't understand that concept." -
