How to Overthrow the Government (in Minecraft)

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Learn how to Seize Power and how to maintain it; ensuring your dynasty rules for millennia to come. In Minecraft, of course.

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After billions of years he remembers his youtube password


Another good way to keep the people from revolting is convincing them that very little has changed at all.


RFR is the definition of quality over quantity


Instructions unclear, got banished to a faraway island

_There is nothing we can do…_


That was disturbingly accurate to real lif- I mean IN MINECRAFT!

That is, until the other nations brings out undead floating skeletons, high atmospheric automatic tnt dispenser machines and what not-


As an Austrian painter who was rejected by art school I found this documentary incredibly helpfull


I tried this on Stoneworks against Yimmu-Audal about a year ago, didn't go too well for me...

...But I guess I got the last laugh because they collapsed anyway and the province of Audal became an independent Constitutional Monarchy


Thank you! I’ll definitely be taking notes (in minecraft)


My man here is why I play nation servers. Every new video is inspiration to get started again


For the war part, you can pretty much hire rebels or a militia or smugglers (rogue logistics or security forces officers) from the country that you want resources from to "own "that resources location.


The journal thing might be a really good idea. If you play your cards correctly, your journal might end up being the only verifiably uncensored primary source about your rule. You could say almost anything you want about yourself and academia would accept it as fact.


Its good that i discovered this channel like 3 years ago and now i am a member of stoneworks for more than 2 years, have my own district and im active in Aztlacan (i will run for Olothci) and i was a cool member of Azeraan.And also i made you make your pfp blue for like 20 mins in discord lmao


Truly one of the video titles of all time


Instructions Unclear, A death squad is on my door, what should I do?


Loved the video @RedFireRexRFR! Can't wait for the next video man! My Lord Rex, I sadly have some Bad news but I also have some Good News.

My Lord, I regret to inform you that I have not had much time to come up with Any Designs for Ships to Sail from The Hiarlli Federation as of yet. But all it not lost, for I have developed a Classification System for the Ships of the Hiarlli Federal Navy. The Historic Real World Basis is that of the Royal Navy from the Age of Sail.

The Gun-Brigs, Brigs, Cutters and Schooners will be Divided up into 3 Classes. 1st Class (or 1st Rate) ships will have 12 or 14 Cannons, 2nd Class (or 2nd Rate) ships will have 8 or 10 Cannons and 3rd Class (or 3rd Rate) ships will have 4 or 6 Cannons. These ships have a Single gun Deck and they Historically had a Crew of 20 to 90 men.

The Sloops-of-war will be Divided up into 2 Classes. 1st Class Ships will have 18 guns while 2nd Class ships will have 16 guns. Like the Gun-Brigs, Brigs, Clippers and Schooners they have their Cannons all on a Single Gun Deck and They Historically had a Crew of 90 to 125 men.

While these Two aforementioned Ship Classifications were Historically Unrated, I thought it would be best to at least give them some sort of Rating as these are still going to be the Cheapest Ships to build for the Hiarlli Federal Navy. The Next 2 Classifications will most likely prove to be the More Expensive Ships to Build as The Natural Woods within the Hiarlli Federations Borders, Oak and Acacia, are the Two Most Expensive Woods in the Real World.

The Frigates or Post Ships of the 6th Rate would Historically have 20 to 24 Guns on a Single Gun Deck and 140 to 160 Crew while the Frigates and Great Frigates of the 5th Rate Would have either have 28 Guns on a Single Gun Deck and a Crew of up to 200 men still be considered 6th Rate or 32 to 44 Guns on 1 or 2 Gun Decks and a Crew of 200 to 300 Men. For the Hiarlli Federal Navy, they will be Divided into the Following Classifications.

• Frigates/Post Ships:
• These shall have to Remain Unchanged as in Further Dividing them out would result in 3 Classes with the 3rd Class having 20 Guns, 2nd Class having 22 Guns and 1st Class having 24 Guns.
• Frigates with 28 Guns will be Considered to be Dedicated Frigates.

• Frigates/Great Frigates:
• These are to be Divided into 4 Classes with 4th Class having 32 or 34 Guns, 3rd Class having 36 or 38 Guns, 2nd Class having 40 or 42 Guns and 1st Class having 44 Guns. Ships of the 1st Class will also be Considered as Great Frigates, Providing that they can Take on the Equivalent Firepower of at least Either 2 or 3 Sylene-class Frigates or 4 or 5 Azenfjord-class Escort Corvettes from Escharia's Kaiserlicht Marine as well as Enough Firepower to make even their more Experienced Commanders think Twice before moving in to engage with one of these (1st Class Frigates) Ships.

These Ships are meant to be Used as a Means to Project your Power to the Continent of Syltör and to the whole world of Rathnir as well as to protect your Territories either within the Phagosian Sea like the Farmers Islands or in your Colonies in world's such as Akanondia and are to be Armed as Such. The Following Guns are those that are likely to be The Easiest to Attain and Arm your ships with.

• 8-pounder Long Gun (Barrel Length of about 2 Meters, or 2 Blocks in Minecraft) (4 in. (100mm) Bore/Diameter).
• 9-pounder Long Gun (4.2 in. (105mm) Bore/Diameter).
• 12-Pounder Long Gun (4.7 in. (120mm) Bore/Diameter) (Barrel Length of 2.430 Meters or just over 2 Blocks in Minecraft).
• 18-pounder Long Gun (5 in. (130mm) Bore/Diameter) (Barrel Length of 2.572 Meters or just over 2 Blocks in Minecraft).

The 8 and 9 Pounder Guns are usually used as Bow and Stern (Front and Back) Chasers, which are Guns mounted to the Respective parts of the Ship in case of Persuing or being Persued. The 12 Pounders are usually the Standard Guns for Ships like Frigates. The 18 Pounders are usually used on the Upper Gun Deck for 5th Rate Frigates or Great Frigates.

The Sources for this are The Respective Articles on Wikipedia.
• Rating System of the Royal Navy.
• Naval Artillery in the Age of Sail.

Once you go to 24, 32, 36 and even 42 Pounder Guns, that's when you'll be going into the Ships-of-the-Line which usually have about 100 or so Guns on 3 Gun Decks. Many of these guns would later be relegated to Usage in Fortresses or Coastal Defence Duties, while being Supplemented by the 12 and 18 Pounder Guns.

Various Ammunition included Round Shot, Cannister Shot, Grapeshot and Chainshot. Round Shot is the Basic Standard Ball. Cannister Shot had Cans filled with Dozens of Musket Balls that Opened upon firing turning the Gun into a Giant Shotgun for use against enemy Personnel. Grapeshot had Canvas-wrapped stacks of Smaller Round Shot which fitted in the Barrel typically in Three or more Layers of Three. Some were made with Thin Metal or Wooden Disks held together by a Central Bolt. The Packages broke open when Fired and Scattered with Deadly Effect. Grapeshot was used against the Enemy Quarterdeck to kill or injure the Officers or against an enemy Boarding Party. Chainshot was just Two Balls connected by a Chain, and was particularly useful against Rigging, Boarding Netting and Sails since the Balls whipped around like Bolas when Fired.

As for the General Framework to allow for the Proper Establishment of the Hiarlli Federal Navy. I can only see two things given the current state of Syltör and Rathnir on the Whole.

• 1). Escharia has the Largest and most Powerful Navy in all of Rathnir and,

• 2). The Hiarlli Federation has no Domestic Shipbuilding Facilities.

All of this Coupled with long memories of The Times of Rex Ferdinand and the Huitca Imperium and the Entropites in Farafin during the Entropy Wars and the Huitca Civil War, and things are not looking too great for the Hiarlli Federation at the moment. A Meeting with SikkeOST (Emperor Severie), his Cabinet and the Escharian Admiralty and their counterparts in Azenfjord at Carvay, Urnu-Arak or Tlahatl to try and Discuss some sort of Naval Powers Treaty that'll still allow The Hiarlli Federal Navy to take shape while still somewhat preserving the Balance of Power in Escharia's Favor. News will likely spread worse than a Wildfire and in turn raise many Red Flags to many across Rathnir as The Escharian Kaiserlicht Marine is, as Anime Anarchy said of the Royal Navy, "F0cking Huge", and to have even a Small Percentage of that power in comparison is still "F0cking Huge". The Clincher would be to use what I call "Blocks Burthen" as the Measurement of which you can base the Size of your Fleet on.

What are "Blocks Burthen" you are asking right now? Blocks Burthen is the Size of the Amount of Barrels or Chests/Double Chests (if large enough for the Latter) a Ship can Hold as Cargo. It's the Same Formula for the Ship's Tons Burthen from the Age of Sail, except you can either go straight for the Amount of Blocks or the Real World Feet and Inches. The Formula for Tons Burthen is as Follows....


So L is the Length of the Ship, B is the Beam/Width of the Ship, ½B is estimated to be Half of the Draft (Part of the Hull below the Waterline) and then you divide by 94 for Tax Purposes.

Take the Sylene-class Frigates for Instance. They are about 35 Blocks Long, 7 Blocks Wide and have a Draft of 4 Blocks. The Formula would read as "35×7×2" or "35×7×3.5" divided by 94 which would be 5.212 or 9.122 Blocks Burthen, meaning a Single Sylene from Escharia would have 5 or 9 Barrels in their Cargo Holds full of Supplies or just General Cargo. Don't necessarily quote me on the Measurements for the Sylene-class Frigates since it's been about 2 Years since your last video and when I last checked the Stoneworks Wiki page on them, but you get the Idea.

If you base the Strength of the Hiarlli Federal Navy on a Percentage of the Escharian Kaiserlicht Marine on Blocks Burthen, then you'll have an Idea as to how many ships and which Types to focus your Building Contracts on.

Another thing is the Constitution of Shipyards to Build the Ships as well as Naval Bases from where the Ships can Conduct Patrols or Come in to Replenish Supplies and Allow the Crew to have some R&R (Rest and Relaxation). If you haven't gotten another video up within about a Month or two, I can list some Possible Areas to Either Build Shipyards or Build Naval Bases as a Reply to this comment.

But once all of that's been taken care of, You can then start thinking about the Requirements for the Hiarlli Federal Navy. Do you want them to just Focus solely on Defending The Federation and it's Overseas Colonies in Akanondia or do you want to be able to enter the Sea of Pearls to Fight Escharia from Taking Yimmu-Audal Again? Maybe you might want to have the Federal Navy Escort Ships to and From Eldham. The Possibilities of the Hiarlli Federal Navy will be Dependent upon these Questions and many more in the Coming Years, Decades or even Centuriesas time goes on, but it must be done by you and the Hiarlli Federation's Citizens. The Same goes for the Hiarlli Federal Army and the Hiarlli Federal Marines and any other Branch of the Military you wish to create for the Defense of Sneedistan.

Let me know what you think about this and I'll catch you in your next video man! In case anyone was wondering, I spent about 2 hours or so typing this up!


I love how on youtube you can title your video the most messed up, contoversial treachery, and then put "in minecraft" at the end, and yt be like: "yup, all good here".


Cant wait to do this in minecraft aswell


How to coup a country, A step by step instructions -Ordinary things a great ytuber btw
This video is basically thst but Minecraft


"how to overthrow the government"
"(In minecraft)"
FBI: nvm. Its just a misunderstanding


I got a new country in Minecraft, the creeper union collapsed due to world deletion
