What Your Personality Type Says About YOU! The 16 Personalities Explained (MBTI)

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Every Type of Personality Explained in 20 Minutes - The 16 Personalities (MBTI) - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The 16 personalities test categorizes people based on 4 key dimensions.
Extrovert (E) or Introvert (I), Sensing (S) or Intuitive (N), Thinking (T) or Feeling (F), Judging (J) or Prospecting (P).
Put these together, and you get 16 unique personality types—each with its own strengths, weaknesses and ways of interacting with the world. So, which one are you? Let’s find out!

The MBTI 16 personalities test is a widely used tool that helps people understand their personality by categorizing them into one of 16 distinct types. Based on Carl Jung's psychological theories, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) looks at preferences in areas like introversion vs. extraversion, thinking vs. feeling, and more. Taking the MBTI test can offer valuable insights into how you communicate, make decisions, and relate to others. Knowing your MBTI personality type can also help you improve relationships, choose the right career path, and boost self-awareness. With millions using the 16 personality test globally, it’s a trusted method for personal development.

Hi, Matt here 👋 I love finding ways to improve my life. So why keep it to myself? 🤔 On this channel, I share tips and things that have genuinely helped me make progress and become a better version of myself.

00:00 - The 16 Personalities Test (MBTI)
00:52 - Group 1: The Analysts
01:08 - INTJ – The Architect
02:00 - INTP – The Logician
03:04 - ENTJ – The Commander
04:02 - ENTP – The Debater
04:53 - Group 2: The Diplomats
05:13 - INFJ – The Advocate
06:00 - INFP – The Mediator
06:51 - ENFJ – The Protagonist
07:49 - ENFP – The Campaigner
08:43 - Group 3: The Sentinels
09:02 - ISTJ – The Logistician
10:00 - ISFJ – The Defender
10:49 - ESTJ – The Executive
11:43 - ESFJ – The Consul
12:27 - Group 4: The Explorers
12:46 - ISTP – The Virtuoso
13:20 - ISFP – The Adventurer
14:13 - ESTP – The Entrepreneur
14:59 - ESFP – The Entertainer

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Do you have ANY feedback on this video? It would really help me to make future videos better! I appreciate ANY kind of feedback! 🙌 ☺


Great video! Im an ENFP- a diplomat for sure. I love being around and helping others, and see the world through a positive lense.


I'm INFJ, I actually knew before, but, just wanted to make sure.


As an INFP, I'd say this is pretty accurate


People get irritated whenever I ask stuff . There was a time after childhood where my close people shut me up for my questioning which traumatize me really bad so I stopped doing it . That's how I started to feel depressed and all then time went, again they criticize me for not interested in things that happening around me etc, they keep criticize me but did they forget they're the reason why I m so lifeless . Growing up I shut myself up to people , turning myself into a madman. Anyway now it's better I'm getting better, but still there's so much I missed out.


So I watched the whole video and both the INFP and the ISFP sound really like me, the ISFP sounds the most like me. I am a highly introverted/reserved and quiet person, who has a big imagination and likes and appreciates beauty. I think much more than I speak and I prefer small groups of friends to big crowds. I never go to parties or social functions, I like my quiet solitude and being at home a lot (I'm quite the homebody). Thanks for posting this. It was enjoyable.


10 sec in and the first error in the clip.. Extrovert & Introvert in this case is not social energi and how you recharge. Its your dominant function. You can be a social introvert and be an Entertainer or Campaigner. Its quite important to get this right :)


Hi, Matt here! 👋 I hope you enjoy this video about the 16 Personalities! Have you found yourself? 😄 Feel free to share it here 👇 I am currently working on new videos, so if you don’t want to miss them, it would mean the world to me if you subscribed 🤩


After watching this I think I'm an ISFP which is different to what I thought before!


Thanks for the video. I'm ISTJ as I expected but I need to prove it.


I can't find myself as many characters are present and many are absent.
So let me ask my friend what they think about each other including me. But indirectly.


I'm not entirely sure since I can relate to different traits at different times and situations but find enfp most relatable but don't like to argue


According to this I am a virtuoso, but I'm never calm under pressure? Because I am practal (according to friends) like figuring out how things work, but I'm not calm under pressure. And now I am confused on of my personality exist. If anyone can help me find a personality that sounds more like practical, likes figuring out how things work, and breaks under the smallest amount of pressure. That's me.


10:51 yes i know someone and it's Maki from &team


I'm an INTP, but i'd say I'm more on the creative side than the "sciency intellectual" side.


I'm not boxing myself in the type i got INFP.. Cuz there are times I'm like INTP..
Between the F and T it is just somewhere in the middle..

Tho, I'm mostly towards INFP


I'm an ANTJ
Ambivert so sometimes E sometimes I


It’s funny cuz my job is architecture but I’m ESFP


Im honestly starting to really question my MBTI type idk on tests its always switching between ENTP and ENFP theres a lot of things i relate to with ENFP but thats most likely just because i have ADHD im also not really what youd describe as "the life of the party" or a beaming ball of energy maybe when i was a kid but im not like that anymore for me i think an ENTP makes more sense im not entirely a positive person and i love debating and trying to challenge my brain and i dont tend to stick to any morals or beliefs just because its what i believe in if sokething else makes more sense then ill go with that idk if im explaining this well


I always get infp or infj 😊 I have high Fi Fe Ne and Ni so i keep...I think im a infp but keep getting infj on test lately lol
