M32 Quick Tip - Routing Menu Overview

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In this video, Erik goes over the basics of the routing menu on the M32 Family of Digital Consoles.
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Thanks Eric. In the future, show more of the routing screen. Eric does a good job but we don't need to see him from 3 different camera angles. Next time, focus on the LCD display. Thanks.


I’ve used almost every console out there and the M and X32 have got to be the most confusing in terms of routing for me. Too many tabs to go through for a simple 1-1 patch in my opinion. Other than that, great consumer console.


I've been mixing on analog Midas boards for decades. For fun, I asked a colleague (a professional live audio engineer with a masters degree and decades of experience) to, without looking at a manual or video, route a mic with his voice, to the headphones, with reverb, within 5 minutes.

The problem with this board is not that it doesn't make sense, because a reasonably intelligent person could figure it out using a well-written manual as a guide. The problem with this board is that Music Tribe is in radio silence mode. There is no well-written manual. And videos like the one presented here are worthless. The only way to learn this board is through rote memorization. There is NOTHING intuitive about it.

I'm glad my competition got one first. He and his guys keep having problems trying to figure out their M32 during shows.


Our church recently bought an M32 but because the room gets dark often, we have now purchased a Littlite 18 inch gooseneck external lamp for it. But the lamp color is RED. I am told that there is a brightness setting that can be configured to raise it up beyond 70% where the lamp then turns WHITE. But for the life of me I can't find anywhere that this adjustment screen setting can be configured. Please help!!


I have the exact same model.input 2 mics and 1 phone as playback for minus one. im sending main output to my mac for recording. I have 2 ps15 speakers to use as monitor. during recording, I prefer only to listen to playback and I dont want to put on headphone.could you show me how can i have the option of 1)playback only 2)vocals only 3)playback and vocal using the speakers. thanks


Bonjour voilà mon problème j'ai fait ce que Musictribe ma donner M32 FOH AES50 A > DL32 AES50 A (une petite précision c'est une table Behringer )
DL32 AES50 B > M32C AES50 A

Sur le la table façade Foh Allez dans Setup > Global et réglez votre taux d'échantillonnage et réglez la synchronisation sur interne.
Sur le M32C (à l'aide de l'application M32-Edit) allez dans Setup > Mixer et réglez le taux d'échantillonnage pour qu'il corresponde à la console FOH, puis Synchronization to AES50 A.
Le système devrait maintenant se synchroniser, indiqué par les cases vertes dans le coin supérieur droit de l'écran sur le M32 FOH et sur le côté droit de M32-Edit pour le M32C.

Ensuite, sur votre M32C, allez dans le menu Routage > Entrées et réglez la Source sur les options AES50-A (voir capture d'écran suivante). Le M32C tirera alors les entrées du DL32.

le souci c'est que tout fonctionne depuis la table FOH façade et retours pas souci,

mais depuis ma tablette connecté et mon pc avec Edit m32 et sur mon routeur et MDL32 et M32C

les volumes de fonctionne pas pas possible de les bouger comment faire le bon routing svp merci beaucoup


When on the Aux Outs tab, you mentioned the RCA inputs - wrong tab for that, yes?


My master is m32 and slave is m32r is there a way to keep everything from the m32 but still have individual control on the m32r


Hi, I have a M32R. is there any way I can send a stereo mix of my 1st two mics to the computer as a stereo mix for sending to OBS for live stream? I only get one side when selecting my input from the soundcard.. cheers


Hello Erik. Can I use M32R as a stagebox? If yes, could you instruct me the connection?


how you connect 5050 amplifier to the snake?


is it possible to connect a larger screen to this console instead of looking at a screen the size of my phone?


I still dont know how to rout a DL16 on a M32r, so that i have the inputs and the outs on the DL16.!!


So, if I understood correctly, If I use this Stagebok DL16 together with the M32R Live mixer, linked through AES50, ...could I have all 32 preamps working together, 16 through DL16/AES50, plus 16 direct to mixer/analog snake? and..., could I record these 32 channels to SD card?


How rooting for streaming from usb to my iPhone


thanks! question: I want to use my midas 32R as an analog summing mixer (usb out from logic) and record my installed x-live card. what I am thinking is to simply route the audio out the 8 main xlr outs on the mixer and right back into the mixer using xlr cables into the main inputs. I'm sure I'll have to deselect the input channels from the main outs to prevent a feedback loop, but are the steps to routing? is it even possible? seems like it should be. I guess it would be cool to rout it to the sd card 2 different ways. 1 to 1 for the 1st 8 channels. this would only record the color of the mic pres, but a second way where actual summing is taking place down to 2 channels if that's even possible (using a mix bus to the x-live?). obviously, I wouldn't need it to record both versions at the same time, but it would be ideal. I can then take the 10 channels back into logic and compare make my final decisions. if anyone can list the steps that would be helpful. thanks!


How do I route the Aux Ins to go into the card outs? This video didn't really outline that and I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I've downloaded the driver software and the audio into the console from my computer works, however I can't seem to get the audio out from the console to my computer. Any solutions?


Can I get a video on how a beginner can understand routing


can I get the exact link to your official page, I need to Download the offline editor for mac and windows


The routing is very disappointing. It is not possible to use the adat extension with the second 8 channels on the aux channels. i have to route to eight of the normal channels and loose two channels. why did midas programm such a crap? why they have to limitate the user? the block routing is a poor solution.
