Case Study (08/07/22)

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You are dispatched to a female pt. who was involved in a rear end motor vehicle collision.
You arrive on scene to find a 36 week pregnant patient sitting in the passenger seat of the car with front end damage.
She is holding her abdomen and saying she has significant tearing pain.
You move her to your stretcher and you notice the car seat she was in has blood on it.
These are her vitals:
👉Skin Pale
👉LOC alert
👉Resps 28
👉Pulse 138
👉BGL normal
👉BP 84/50
👉SPO2 95% with poor wave form
❓What do you suspect is happening to this patient
❓What treatment would you like to start in the next 10 minutes?
❓Would this patient benefit from TXA?
Geoff is going live at 11AM MST (10PST, 1EST) for his Case Study Breakdown!
#paramedicstudent #emtstudent #emtschool #emt #emtlife #paramedic #paramedicschool #paramedicos #paramediclife #paramedicscience #paramedical #short
You arrive on scene to find a 36 week pregnant patient sitting in the passenger seat of the car with front end damage.
She is holding her abdomen and saying she has significant tearing pain.
You move her to your stretcher and you notice the car seat she was in has blood on it.
These are her vitals:
👉Skin Pale
👉LOC alert
👉Resps 28
👉Pulse 138
👉BGL normal
👉BP 84/50
👉SPO2 95% with poor wave form
❓What do you suspect is happening to this patient
❓What treatment would you like to start in the next 10 minutes?
❓Would this patient benefit from TXA?
Geoff is going live at 11AM MST (10PST, 1EST) for his Case Study Breakdown!
#paramedicstudent #emtstudent #emtschool #emt #emtlife #paramedic #paramedicschool #paramedicos #paramediclife #paramedicscience #paramedical #short
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