Top 25 health books of all time

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These are the best health books ever written: to help you optimize your health. I have gone to book stores and looked at every single book on the shelves: 99% are bogus.

By bogus, I mean that they promote unhealthy diets like low carb, paleo, mediterranean etc. Or they recommend unnecessary or even harmful things.

The books listed here are as good as it gets. The top 1 out of 10,000 quality. There still not "perfect," but no book is.

If you decide to follow the advice in any of these books, if you are taking any medications, make sure to discuss it with your doctor, b/c your dosages will likely change.

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This is epic...a list of the books in one place..thank you, Dr. Rogers.


I gave away 60 copies of How Not to Die a few years ago to family, physicians, college students, and a presidential candidate.
I also gave away 20 copies of Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food Is Killing Us and What Can We Do About It.
I enjoy reading very old health books like:
Water and Vegetable Diet by William Lambe, M.D. (1815)
The Art of Prolonging Human Life by Christopher Wm. Hufeland, M.D. (1829)
Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men and by Experience in All Ages by William Alcott (1838)
Food: It's Influence as a Factor in Disease and Health by John H. Tilden, M.D. (1914)
It is interesting for me to try to understand the reasoning for their recommendations even though they often did not get it quite right.
It seems likely that future generations will look back at our current health books and feel pity for us because of our ignorance.


I'd put "Mastering Diabetes" in there too. Robby and Cyrus show the studies/theory with real life turn around. And "The Pleasure Trap" would be #1.


Can't wait to get hands on couple of these books sound fascinating and so real world. I'm addicted to food and weight keeps crawling up. I hope I can stop this vicious cycle of mine.


wow....I thought I had a good 'health book ' library until I saw this?....will start making my way down the list....thank you very much 🥰

Peter...I have an off-topic question for you, if you don't mind? I've started giving blood recently & a friend suggested I think about donating plasma instead....but I'm concerned about certain aspects of it & wondered if you thought my concerns were unwarranted?...for example, the giving of plasma results in a loss of body salts and nutrients...and of more concern to me, they actually return what they don't need, back in to my body, mixed with salt guess I'm worried about contamination....and it looks like giving plasma is something you are encouraged to do much more often than giving blood....I love yo help & give my healthy bloods etc but aren't prepared to compromise my own health in doing can't find anything talking about problems that have occurred but wondered what you I being too cautious worrying about that?...thx


"the great prostate hoax" by Ablin, surprised you don't have this one on your list.  thanks for this list. reading "excitotoxins" now.


I have headphones on listening to you I can barely hear you with the sound turned up all the way you need better speakers or just project louder volume so you can hear you very difficult


Surprised you didn't have any of Dr. Gregers books on the list.
