Geopolitics, Energy Security, and the US-Japan Alliance

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Please join the Atlantic Council's Asia Security Initiative and Global Energy Center for a discussion of how shifting geopolitics are shaping Japan's quest for energy security and its strategic implications for the US-Japan alliance moving forward.

Japan's newest strategic energy plan promises to address long-running domestic structural issues in the context of broader shifts in global trends. If successful, the new strategy will deliver significant improvements in efficiency, emissions, cost, and self-sufficiency by 2030, and again by 2050. However, during a period of rapid change in the Indo-Pacific, how will geopolitical currents shape Japan's goals, methods, and ultimate outcomes? How will developments in global energy markets and shifting regional security calculations shape Japan's future? How is Japan going to diversify its portfolio, both in terms of suppliers and sources, to meet its enhanced demands for energy security? Given that Japan still relies heavily on the Middle East, what role can US-Japan cooperation play? Ultimately, how do these all of these questions fit into the broader strategic picture taking shape in the region?
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