Sikh soldiers in World War 1 and 2 | Battle of Ypres in Flanders Fields | The Poppy

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The Poppy Belongs to Everyone: During the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the British Army was struggling due to a shortage of soldiers available to serve. As a result, they recruited thousands of Sikh soldiers from Punjab. The enlisted Sikh soldiers travelled from Europe to Singapore and Hong Kong, defending the Union Jack. They provided protection and guarded the Canadian line in the Battle of Ypres in Flanders Fields. In addition to this, the soldiers also fought alongside the Canadian Army in the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Thousands of courageous Sikh soldiers, including some of my relatives, lost their lives in combat for the British Army.

During this time of remembrance, it is important to acknowledge all the fallen soldiers who fought for freedom. I take time to remember those who lack recognition for their service. Many Canadian history books do not include the stories of the Sikh soldiers from Punjab. In the future, I hope that authors could rewrite textbooks and historical literature, so that is it more inclusive. This step will allow future generations the opportunity to learn history in a balanced way. The Poppy belongs to many people, including those whose photos and stories do not make it to national media.
~ Gurdeep Pandher
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Thank you for highlighting this amazing piece of forgotten history. I really appreciated learning about these incredibly brave Sikh men and how they fought, shoulder to shoulder, with Canadian and British soldiers. It is a shame I never heard of their contributions to this World Wars before this video. This needs to be taught to all Canadians and should be made into a Canadian Heritage commercial. Thanks again.... and keep on dancing!


The righteousness, courage, and sacrifice shown by Sikh soldiers in all wars is astounding and should never be forgotten. :)


Part of my family stories are of my grandfather a Scots batman and piper who served with the Sikh troops in italy.
Many British families have such stories and Sikh troops are remembered.
Alas much is forgotten but I still remember the stories.


My great grand fathers fought and some some died in ww2. And my great great grand fathers fought in ww1 and some died so its great seing this
