EASIEST WAY To Teach And Learn The Parallel Park Maneuver 2022

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Parallel Parking Maneuver Driving Test UK
The reverse parallel park maneuver is one of the 4 maneuvers that you are expected to be able to complete on your own on the UK driving test. Today I am going to show you the easiest method of learning how to do a parallel park quickly and with very little room for mistakes.
This is by far the easiest method to learn to parallel park with just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: 1 Full Turn (Left) towards the curb you would like to park at and reverse.
Step 2: When you have some angle (around 45 degrees but it doesn't matter) 1 Turn to the right away from the curb and continue reversing.
Step 3: 1 Turn (Right) away from the curb to when you feel your back wheel is close enough to the curb.

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Fantastic video. I personally found the parallel park the easiest parking manoeuvre and I learnt it similar to this, where my instructor never overcomplicated it. It probably helps that the street I live on is very narrow and the spaces are tight, so if I could learn there I could do it anywhere. 😬

My challenge was always the reverse bay. After I passed, I just had to go out on my own first thing in the morning and do it over and over again. The morning staff in our local Farmfoods were probably wondering what on earth I was doing 😂


She's a natural.

Just goes to show manoeuvres are predominantly about slow car control, the rest is just what feels right.


been passed since jan and learnt alot from the videos!


I struggle parking between 2 cars on my street I'm sure there enough space just I can never get the right angle


Hey Josh, I am currently in the process of becoming a driving instructor and I am finding your videos really useful. I wanted to ask if you had to get any special permision from the PCP company before adding dual controls to the car? Thanks.


I do half turn left then full lock right has never failed me
