MY ANOREXIA RECOVERY // Extreme Hunger // professional advice & my own experience

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Extreme hunger made me feel like I was crazy at one point ! I remember being at uni and whenever someone had a snack on their table I would be thinking "why the f are they not eating it right now ?". It blew my mind that they could be focused on anything other that the cereal bar or banana in front of them 😂 it's a little bit better now but I still can't leave food on my plate :o


How can you 'honor' extreme hunger AND 'control' it? That seems so counter-intuitive... if you crave something due to restriction, and then put guards or mechanisms in place (ie - 'filling up' beforehand on protein or anything else) to temper that desire, isn't that reinforcing the negative thought on the craved food? It just seems kind of like another food 'rule' or 'hack' to try and fix something that, really, should be tackled head on...


I think that at least for me a big part of recovery is letting go of “control” in eating. There is no binging in recovery. You are simply responding to your full hunger. And once you are recovered fully you won’t feel a need to “binge.” I used to think I had to control or follow a certain plan but the only way to actually recover is to let go of this.


I really needed this video! The thing with extreme hunger is it feels so out of control, but explaining how your treatment team is helping you manage the extreme hunger within a 'controlled' plan is really great. I think that helps manage some of the fear; so it's the balance between responding to the physical need for the extra food, but in a way that is mentally more manageable than just 'respond to the hunger every time you have it'. Personally, the latter approach just leads to so much panic I can't follow through, but the former is pretty much as I've been doing myself; increasing and allowing but within a growing plan as needed to support those hunger signals. What I'm finding is (on less anxious, panic-ridden days of which there have been A LOT lately) I am tuning in better to genuine hunger cues too, and allowing the extra extra is OK because I recognise those hunger cues as 'real'. I don't know if that makes sense, but this video has helped me make sense of a lot and gratefully realising that's what I've been doing intuitively (in that I want to recover, but recognising my own challenges, issues and limitations, but refusing to let them stop me progressing recovery). agh, long, nonsense comment. Basically, thank you. I can't say how much your videos help me.


This was actually the best thing i've heard about extreme hunger. Thank you so much for sharing all of this. Hugs to you and the kitties xxx


But you seem to see "binging" as a negative thing? My experience is to let go completely, and demolish all ideas of categories or order. This restoration is beyond my control, and that is the freedom. No way I can organize this, and so much of my old energy was trying to apply new rules. No more rules. Bless you! Hope the pre-marriage festivities are luscious and fun! If I call it "binge, " there is only social definition of shadows and danger... which do not exist. The greatest fear of Anorexia is a binge, and my work is this: get dirty. I can't eat one or two cookies, for the sake of my freedom. I may not even want one, and it's insane to push through a half, so I set my goal at a high number, until the fear surrenders. You are so wonderful, keep it up, and thank you!!!


I’m in recovery and I totally related to when you mentioned being “obsessed” with food and having to go look at recipes, and look at other peoples instagrams of food! It’s a constant thing!


this is so helpful! I’m literally just starting my treatment team journey with a dietician and therapist, weirdly excited because I cannot wait to see the back of this shitty mindset!! Extreme hunger and compensation is probably my biggest battle and the toughest thing personally for me to combat. Because I’m really into my fitness it is a bit of a double edged sword as well because if I eat more than the average joe I get comments like “good to see you eating well” and “you always eat well when you’re around me” which isn’t helpful because what they don’t see is the three hours I spend on the treadmill next day burning it off.... sigh. For me the cravings are bad for peanut butter, any nut butter if I’m honest, and chocolate, but I’ve really found that if you allow these back into your diet as regular features, they become less of a big craving (exactly as you described). It’s really nice to know that there’s other people out there experiencing it as well because it does make you question if you’re even ill if you start consuming the entirely of your fridge, but you have to ask yourself “is this normal behaviour”. No. Clearing the entirety of your fridge is your poor body trying to nourish itself back to health. It’s medicine, as Steph Marie calls it.... thanks so much for your videos I find them really relatable, nice to have a fellow southern brit to relate to also :) x


Girl you always say exactly what I need to here when I need it most ❤️ I literally had an extreme hunger episode last night and was searching for a video for help and then woke up to this beauty! Thanks for being so strong and inspiring and wonderful


This is brilliant! extreme hunger feels like bingeing but I love the idea of allowing the EH and plating up in a controlled way. think that will really help me. To me a binge isn't really the amount of food you eat, its the mental state - frenzied, panicked out of control eating. I've "binged on just an apple, small piece of cheese and a packet of hula hoops in the past . But yesterday at lunch my sister ate a massive chicken burger, sweet potato fries and then apple crumble cos it's her favourite - she was stuffed, but it was a controlled decision, she enjoyed every mouthful, and didn't get upset or beat herself up afterwards. It wasn't a binge. It all starts in the mind and ends in the mind xxx


You should do daily-ish vlogs! At least more than one a week, if you can! I love your videos!


I love your channel. This is one of the most helpful videos I’ve seen in the YouTube recovery community lately. I’ve had mixed thoughts on some other content published about extreme hunger, and this approach in responding to it is the most balanced I’ve seen yet. Thank you so much for sharing <3


I love your approach to extreme hunger. I’m so happy that you have an amazing supportive team working with you in your recovery. I’m struggling with my extreme hunger. It’s like you said. I always turn it to a binge... it’s not what I tend to do. What you said about the meal plan and incorporate cravings into meals is amazing!!! I hope I can find a team to work together for my own recovery! Thank you for sharing your stories and inspiring people!!


I love that you said 'your body doesn't want to be fat, it wants to be well' that's a really good thought. When I had extreme hunger I was like hungry every freaking hour no matter how much I ate. And I was so freaked out by my meal plan because my therapist didn't want me to binge so I felt pressured to keep my meal times the way they were, but I still wanted to eat soooo much more so at some point I just allowed it to happen. I started like demolishing my whole kitchen every day. And then twice a day... And then more lol. But then somehow along the lines I started not really being into it so much... Like I still started the same but I kind of stopped wanting to eat so much... And then honestly at some point I could eat and be full for a good amount of time. Like a normal amount of time. That's over a year ago. I kept having phases like maybe a week every once in a while where I was extremely hungry, not in an extreme hunger first time kind of way, but still quite over the norm, but I need to just let it happen.


Ahh First Comment!!

This was pretty much the best thing to be able to wake up to on a Saturday morning. Much love and respect for you, m'dear.


The best part of my weeks are watching and rewatching your videos when I feel that angst of AN sliding its foot through the door again. Always melts it away. Such an inspirational and beautiful person inside and out. Genuinely so thankful ❤️.


The mental/emotional hunger does take longer to heal, but it will get better. The key is staying strong against that voice that still may try to worm its way back in even when you are physically restored! You are nailing it girl💪💪💪


This video just said everything I needed to hear right now. I'm on that extreme hunger game this days and I'm so freaked out that this will never stop and I'll gain more and more weight. But you definetly made me feel more confartable and more confident. Hope it will pass. Thank you <3


Your hair looks really pretty!
Thank you for talking about this and your approach to it, it’s really helpful! I ended up getting into that binge restrict cycle and it’s so disordered, it made me relapse. I’m trying to recover again now because of it. Your doing an amazing job at your recovery - keep fighting :)


I've watched hundreds of recovery videos throughout the years and this one is THE BEST I've ever ran into.
Thank you
