Taylor Swift Shares Struggle With Eating Disorder

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The singer gets candid in her new documentary, 'Taylor Swift: Miss America,' premiering on Netflix Jan. 31.

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I bet she feels so much better. No more worrying, obbessing. She probably has a ton more energy, no dizziness or fainting. Hopefully no long lasting health consequences.


I have anorexia and it's so relatable when she talks about all the food she ate and loves. I always lie about how much I love eating to make people think I'm eating when in fact I'm not eating at all.


I had a feeling about this because she was super skinny but she was saying that she ate burgers and cookie dough. Then in 2017, she gained weight but honestly, she has never looked better in my opinion.


I really like her..I wish her the best in anything she does


I hate how Taylor Swift gets so much hate. I'm not even a fan, but I can see this being a serious issue. Plus, her music is at least catchy and she does write her own songs.


I've been struggling with eating for years and years now, she was always one of my rolmodels in how skinny she was. Now I realized that I've been trying to look like a sick person. This is why it's important that famous people with eating disorders are open about it.


I'm glad she looks happy and healthy now. When she was so sickly skinny it was heartbreaking to see.


And I was wondering about the sudden weight gain, and those curves. Had a feeling she has an eating disorder 🤔. She looks great; she was too skinny before... Hope she is getting therapy.


When I had my eating disorder I also made sure to eat in front of people so they wouldn't be suspicious... but that was all I ate the whole day... (and I made sure to wake up at like 4am to workout for 3hrs before everyone woke up). The sad thing is some people thought I had a "fast metabolism".. no...


This hurts because I used to starve myself so that I could look like her...ugh...I had no idea that she was struggling, too. I just remember being a 14 yr old girl & using her as my motivation to continue starving myself, wishing that I could be as skinny as her. I’m sure that if she knew that she’d be heartbroken, and I can’t be the only one who felt that way. Always been a huge fan & still am but damn...if you are in the public eye, I think that you really do have a responsibility to be a good role model. I used to watch her videos and be so hard on myself bc she could “eat whatever she wanted” & stay skinny & I couldn’t do that. I loved her music and her personality (from what I could tell lol) & she was a huge role model for me. I didn’t know that she was starving herself to be that way. I know that it’s not her fault that I used her for inspiration to starve but celebs really do have to be more careful, in my opinion, or at least honest about their struggles. Idk...


You could tell she was lying when she talked about what she ate


Shame on those who put that pressure on her


I'm a 18-year-old boy and, ever since I can remember, I've always felt like being skinny and liked for it, 'cause I was a fat kid and didn't feel like I fit any other beauty pattern in this society. I was anorexic from a very early age, and even bulimic later on, but I never quite got the result I expected, whenever I was really skinny, people would always tell me I looked sick, but I wouldn't believe them, even though all I could see when I looked in the mirror was a saddened face and my smile didn't really feel genuine, ever. Now, I've learned to laugh at silly things and be more spontaneous, and that has just helped me eat as I want, whenever I want and not feel guilty about it, no matter what anyone says. My face got rounder, my smile became natural, and I just became a funnier, more spontaneous person. Also, doing vocal exercises really made me grow accustomed to my tummy not looking flat. I won't lie to you, sometimes, when I feel like I ate too much, I still think about going to the bathroom and restarting those old habits, but when I look at a then X Now picture of me, I give up immediately, 'cause I can see the difference very clearly, and I know I'm much better now


Baby You Are Beautiful
It's Your Attitude
Your Energy
Your Intelligence
Your Spirit
Never Question or Doubt Yourself


I remember way back 2014 or 2015. I was about 19 or 20. There were days when I ask myself " Why can't I be skinny like Taylor?" My 19 year old-self really looked up to her (still do) and would always compare myself to her and FORCED myself to go to a gym, eat less close to nothing and always think to myself "I have to be skinny like her, but of course she's lucky she doesn't have to sweat in a gym a day in her life"

Fast forward to now, makes me feel a little bit relieved and opened my eyes that way back then I was achieving something that she was also struglling with. Or if I may sa so, something Unreal. I feel less frustated I didn't get to be as skinny as her.

Good for her and she's obviously happy to where is now! 💜


I remember making a comment back then about how super skinny she was and I got angry fans coming at me for body shaming her. Smh


She is the Queen true fans only who undrstand
She is perfect she has the perfect body
No one can say no


Oh tay. You're perfect the way you are. Stop worrying what ppl say 🤷‍♂️


This would be diagnosed as disordered eating, not an eating disorder. In psychological diagnoses, these are two different categories.


Taylor Swift, talking care of one's health is very important, Take care.
