How To Use Your Intuition (The Inner Voice) - Teal Swan -

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Some of us know ourselves really well. We hear our inner voice speaking to us loud and clear and we are able to make decisions according to that inner voice quickly. But for some of us, this is not the case. We struggle to know how we feel and what we really think and what we want and don’t want. We have silenced our inner voice. The way to get that inner voice to grow louder is to look for it and listen to it. By doing this the whisper of the inner voice becomes a scream.

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Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Whenever I have not trusted my intuitive powers, I have suffered BIG TIME. Now I trust my own body's GPS tracking device. Thanks so much.


"Never let your inner voice be drowned out by the voice of others." I have very strong intuition and I remember when I was in my teens, 35 years ago, I tried to hear my inner voice and it felt like a far-away, soft whisper. It was there but so faint I decided to give it encouragement and I realized that you must make space for it so it can be heard above the din of your daily life. You have to quiet everything else around you, including your other voices telling you what you "SHOULD" do on a constant basis and just sit and wait for it to speak to you. It does get more noticeable when you do that. I have no trouble hearing my inner voice anymore. It works and I never make a decision that goes against my intuition. I consider my intuition the divine voice within me. It's all-knowing. When I listen to it, it never fails me.


1) Take all of your attention to the internal world.
2) Pay attention to the sensations. Be unconditionally present with them. Observe them.
3) Make your interaction with the sensation much more real and tangible. If this sensation was a color what would it be? If it was a texture what would it be like? Is it moving or still? If it was a shape what would it be? If this sensation were an image, what would the image be?
4) Mentally engage with this image as if it’s a different thing than you are.
5) Ask it questions about itself and it’s perspective about you. I.e. “What are you?” “What do you represent?” “Why are you here right now?” “What do you want me to know?” “What do you want me to do?” “What is the truth that I don’t want to admit to, and express right now?” “If I were to tell the absolute truth in this situation, and weren’t afraid to do so, what would the truth be?”
6) Listen to the answers or hear or see them. Take this process wherever you feel like it needs to go.
7) Have a conversation with yourself. (You will know how to respond to the image, what to ask etc.)


My inner voice told me 1000 times not to hang out with certain people.
I finally listened, but now I’m in a situation where I’m fighting a case for being around the wrong crowd and not truly following my heart.

Great lesson 💙


The 7 steps begin at 6:59. :) Good luck with practicing! Thank you sooo much Teal Swan! Just what I needed!!😍😍


“Never let your inner voice be drowned out by the voice of others. “ such a powerful and life changing statement if properly applied.


What a find. This lady is quite comfortable in her own skin. Thoughtful, measured and charismatic. Well done, TS.


I got lost in a town and i followed my intuition and found where i was trying to go


Your inner voice exists to protect you. It is always correct and when you ignore it and do what logic tells you it turns out not good.


Powerful.... My voice had been silenced by trauma = addiction = society tried to make me feel lesser than.... Final Trauma my brother passed away = I started to spiritually awaken...i now believe, love and know myself. All of my pains are transmuting into amazing qailites. Thank you Teal swan.🌠


Ever since using Teal's statement "if (what I'm currently feeling) is 100% true, why is that so bad & what does that mean to me" to help myself through shadow work, I have held my left hand with my right hand. I take that physical sensation of receiving my hand being held & draw it to the internal spot of sensation needing me. It helps me lots!


Never let your inner voice to be drowned out by the voice of others. I love that.


I'm just gonna add that this thing about paying attention to also negative/ugly inner voice is very important. A lot of people refuse to pay attention to the dark and ugly. it's unfortunate.
Thank you, TS <3


I can't even put into words how thankful I am for you.


Haha, now I realise why I always want someone else to validate my answers even when I know the answer.


What a soft, comfortable voice. I like it, Teal!


God bless you, Teal Swan! ❤️ I sense you went through a lot of hurt & pain that made you into this beautiful person with an evolved soul, here to help us evolve. I really feel the emotion with which you speak in your videos. I am grateful 🙏🏻! We all ask and ask, but I want to just send you love! 😍 You are amazing & wonderful! The world is not broken! Hope is not lost! Your words have power and they move the world! They move Love on Earth! Your videos helped me immensely to do shadow work and so on. Much love and light! 🦢


Its thoughts, words, and actions. I thought my intuition was only the way I felt but I realized it's an alignment in your values, emotions, and actions in accordance to your immediate truth.


Thank you! I tried this today and it was as if everything changed for me. People reacted different to me, I was at ease with in myself, more secure and naturally confident. The more I listened to my internal self the more the extra "negative" chatter quieted down. I had an aha moment at the end of the day, that gave answer to something I've been cloudy about . I will continue this listening to myself. Thank you Teal!!!!


listen to the first response to our intuition and then stick to it strongly without making our selves double minded
