CONNECTING TO YOUR INTUITION // a no BS guide for how to use your intuition and get more clarity

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Let’s chat about how to use your intuition, how to connect with your intuition, and how to listen to your inner voice. Our higher self, or our inner knowing, can be one of our best pieces of guidance if we’re able to embrace it.

One of the most powerful things about connecting with our own feminine energy or divine feminine is our intuition - it’s already innately within us, we just have to get clear on how it communicates so we can understand its messages! If you’re trying to learn how to listen to your intuition more, I hope these tips help you like they’ve helped me!

Hope you enjoy! :)


Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more content around feminine energy, self-improvement, and wellness for women.

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to me, intuition is a deeply spiritual gift and one that gets "shut down" when we go through painful and/or traumatic experiences in early childhood and are taught not to trust out intuition. So, one of the keys to connecting with my intuition was healing from my trauma and unrecovered painful experiences in life. Dismantling the limiting beliefs, exchanging the lies for truth and disarming the triggers and fears of self protection from unhealed passed wounds. All of this has been key for me and the women I coach in recovering their gift of intuition and stepping into an empowered and confident, wholehearted lifestyle. Intuition is key to feminine energy and I loved your video!!


This exercise is SO FUN 😂❤I recently started my femininity journey and I am trying to connect everyday with myself, others, nature and my intuition and body. I did the exercise I stood up, closed my eyes and put one hand on my chest the other on my stomach and I felt my heartbeat. After that I started saying "Yes" and by the third yes I leaned forward, I started laughing immediately. Then for the "no", I only said it one time and I leaned back. I straight up burst with laughter, thank you Jillz 💖💖


this is something i've been working on lately!! i'm a very anxious person, and i've been trying to work on getting past the initial fear that comes with decision-making and figure out what's really right for me. thank you for the video -- i will be trying these suggestions out!!


Thank you for saying the difference between emotions and intuition. That helped me a lot!


What I've found is a lot of women confuse anxiety, neuroticism, fear for intuition. Then being the more emotionally driven of the sexes, they act on that "intuition" convinced they "know" but it causes issues in relationships.


Omg! You are literally putting into words how I feel intuition. I can't wait to tryout that exercise.


I've discovered the leaning forward & back as well! Another helpful thing is: drop with your focus from your head into your heart, breath into your heart, become still for a moment & then then receive the answer (from the body or just from the heart/intuition). ❤ Thanks for your video! I totally agree especially with the emotions & grounding/nature. 🕊


This video just made everything click for me I’m so glad I found you!!! You can’t feel your intuition if you don’t allow your mind to be present and receiving of it!!! Made me realize I need to get out of my own way to let my intuitive energy come through. Thanks so much for the videos! ❤


I am so grateful for your content, thank you so much for doing the work so you can help us to also heal our feminine energy. Keep doing it because I admire how you conduct yourself and that is very inspiring.


Sometimes it’s so hard for me to determine anxiety from intuition. This video has been super helpful!


Recently as I’ve been working on building my intuition, as I’m going through a surge of emotions I pause to ask/check in with myself about how I actually feel about the situation. This is especially useful as I’ve been trained to rationalise my thoughts and checking in with myself is helping me reconnect to my intuition ❤️


Great video! I used to discount my intuition because I thought it was pre-judging a situation unfairly. I would always wait until I had "evidence" of what my intuition suspected before acting on it. For example, if I felt uneasy about a relationship and thought I should end it (for no clear reason) I would wait and give the person the "benefit of the doubt" until something happened that gave me "evidence" or "justification" for ending the relationship. Sometimes it took months or even years before I had what I considered to be sufficient evidence to justify ending it. I'm in the process of learning to trust my intuition more, and looking at it as a gift. If I honor my intuition and act on it, I can save myself wasted time as well as pain. I just need to give my intuition more credit. It is pretty much always right.


I looked up so much information on intiution vs fears but this one helped me the most. The emotion part is often forgotten or discribed in more complicated ways & the exercise is really helpful! It's a lot more clear now :) Thank you so much, I love your videos overall.


Really needed this today! Thank you! 😊 I esp loved your reminder to go slowly with getting in touch with our intuition (because I can sometimes take a very will-driven, take-her-by-the-shoulders, 'SPEAK TO ME!' approach 😂)


Whoa!!!🤗 The muscle-testing exercise is SO cool!! I go to a homistic doctor who saved me from several food sensitivities using a much-more complicated method of muscle testing--and he saved me from severe inflammation and helped me SO MUCH. So now being able to do it myself if such a God-send! Thank you Thank you Thank you Jillz!


I am so happy I found your channel. The content will definitely help me, as I am currently working on my Feminine energy. Whenever sth comes from a my intuition I just know it. It is a straightforward "yes" or "no", nothing in between.


I love your videos, they are helping me remember how I used to be, the person I have been trying to get back to, thank you


so cool i was watching this video with a hand on my chest and one on my tummy !!


Thank You! Perfect! Sincere! Effective! I will only add this: Emotions are the Personal Navigation 🧭🔦💡⚖️⏳ that Grow in Size when The Intuition Whisper is Ignored or Not Understood Clearly. Therefore I Regard States of Discomfort } Irritation} Anger as the Raising of Intuition's Voice, Making up the Volume...The Same with Other Emotions: Intuitive Knowing } A Slight State of Premonition} Slight Anxiety } Intense Anxiety } Panic ...ect. The Same in other Direction with Positive Emotions: Intuitive Knowing } Lightness } Gladness } Joy } Bliss } Elation ect ⚖️ So, Basically, Intuition is Alive & Assisting Always just Using Emotional States as Various Modes of Delivering the Message (from Calm & Pleasant to Agitated & Intense)... I Prefer to Grasp the Whispers of My Intuition (also from Dreams, Jokes, Other People Comments, Occasional Overhearing about Something ect...) 🧭🔦💡⏳⚖️🔋🌈💃🕺❣️😻🌸🏵️🌼🕊️💓💞🥰🙏


thankyou so much for this video! absolutely loved it!
