Post-Materialist Metaphysics, Causality and God | Jean-Philippe Marceau (#53)

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Jean-Philippe is a writer and philosopher helping to resolve the "Meaning Crisis".
Modern science increasingly suggests that materialism may not fully explain reality, yet it remains deeply entrenched in our culture. What's wrong with materialism and what can replace it?
We discuss the issues with materialism, the opposite of materialism (idealism), ancient metaphysical views of reality, the nature of God, miracles, and more...
00:00 - Problems of Materialism
12:00 - Why We're Materialists
16:50 - How to Think Non-Materialistically
25:08 - Form vs Potential & Christian Metaphysics
35:35 - God
39:50 - Miracles and Causality
46:00 - Could Adam and Eve Have Not Sinned? Determinism and Agency
50:50 - The Incarnation and Making Sense of Reality
Modern science increasingly suggests that materialism may not fully explain reality, yet it remains deeply entrenched in our culture. What's wrong with materialism and what can replace it?
We discuss the issues with materialism, the opposite of materialism (idealism), ancient metaphysical views of reality, the nature of God, miracles, and more...
00:00 - Problems of Materialism
12:00 - Why We're Materialists
16:50 - How to Think Non-Materialistically
25:08 - Form vs Potential & Christian Metaphysics
35:35 - God
39:50 - Miracles and Causality
46:00 - Could Adam and Eve Have Not Sinned? Determinism and Agency
50:50 - The Incarnation and Making Sense of Reality
Post-Materialist Metaphysics, Causality and God | Jean-Philippe Marceau (#53)
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