Metamodern Spirituality | Physics, Metaphysics, Meta-Metaphysics (w/ Matt Segall)

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Matt Segall joins me to explore the notion of a learning universe. Matt has read my most recent book, A Universal Learning Process, but has some contributions and critiques based on his deep engagement with Whitehead and process philosophy. In this discussion, we begin to explore the metaphysical aspects of such a project and dig into the details of such a world picture.
0:00 Introduction
2:47 "Panmatheism": Being the Universe Learning
6:24 Matt Summarizes Brendan's Project
10:58 Brendan Summarizes Matt's Project
19:07 Complexification and Metaphysical Categories
35:06 A Minimal Metaphysics for Meaning and Value
1:03:23 Continuity and Discontinuity
1:10:48 Efficient (+ Formal + Final + etc.) Causal Closure
1:26:06 Cells Worship the Body
1:33:00 Explaining Sacrifice: "I Am Because You Are"
1:37:50 Conclusion and Next Steps
0:00 Introduction
2:47 "Panmatheism": Being the Universe Learning
6:24 Matt Summarizes Brendan's Project
10:58 Brendan Summarizes Matt's Project
19:07 Complexification and Metaphysical Categories
35:06 A Minimal Metaphysics for Meaning and Value
1:03:23 Continuity and Discontinuity
1:10:48 Efficient (+ Formal + Final + etc.) Causal Closure
1:26:06 Cells Worship the Body
1:33:00 Explaining Sacrifice: "I Am Because You Are"
1:37:50 Conclusion and Next Steps
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