Area Model Multiplication vs Old School Method (Common Core Math)

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A comparison between the old school way of multiplying numbers and new hippie dippy common core way.

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On February 16, 2019 this video hit 100, 000 views. Thanks everybody for spreading the joys of common core!


I don't think my calculator has an option for "draw a large box"


The area model is used to teach conceptual understanding of multiplication and how it relates to area. It is not meant to replace the standard algorithm. It's a concrete and visual way to show multiplication understanding. In Common Core, students start learning the standard algorithm in fourth grade and master it in fifth grade. We don't give teaches a hard time for having students count on their fingers when they are learning to add, so why would we take away this strategy that builds a strong understanding of the way multiplication works? People that are upset with the area model or common core are often taking these teaching practices out of context. There is a reason the U.S. has low math test scores. We want to go straight to algorithm and memorized skills instead of true conceptual understanding. Our children will have jobs that do not even exist yet and will face problems in our world that we can't imagine. Why wouldn't we want to give them all the strategies we can and teach them to be flexible thinkers?


Okay, but I can see why they're doing this. Breaking down the problem the way Area Model does gets students used factoring so that algebra and higher math becomes a continuation of the basic math they learned. It's basically planning for the future so that they have an easier time with algebra and above. Higher math is where American students have been falling behind compared to foreign students. This teaches the concepts at a younger age. Thanks for the video though, very interesting.


I never learned common core math as a kid. This is the first time I've seen it explained rather than just complained about, and holy crap, the way she did it (common core) makes so much more sense to me than the way he did. Watching her, I didn't feel stupid and inadequate! I'd have loved to have been taught this way!


When I got introduced to multiplication this is what we were taught:
we started by understanding what multiplication actually does. (Spoiler alert: It‘s addition). So we had a problem: 3x5. This means you have to add 5+5+5. 3 times a five. Or five times a three.
We did this for all numbers from 1 to 10 until we could do them pretty fast. In German we call it „das kleine einmaleins“ which translates to „the small onetimesone“. We had to learn them by heart because that‘s a thing you just have to know. We used flashcards, computer games, had competitions, etc. to make sure we had at least some fun while learning it.
Then suddenly there were problems like 11x3 or 12x5. Now obviously you can do this as 10x3 + 1x3. But since this gets pretty difficult once you reach higher numbers, we got intruduced to multiplication with borrowing. (But we were taught what the borrowing actually does).

The area thing was taught later since it is kinda hard to understand how area calculations work. (I‘m not sure wether the children who are taught common core maths actually understand that they are calculating the area.)


The two methods are complementary. The area model helps explain why the “old school” method works. Why do you “add” a 0 on the second line before multiplying? The area model answers this question. Ultimately, we want the children to use the “old method”. But showing them why it works helps develop critical thinking and the will to be able to explain the reason for things. Most school and university students hate proofs because they were not used to prove things, just to accept them. But the power of math resides in the capacity to demonstrate rules and theorems, because once they are proven, they become a universal truth.


I believe the reason for this window method is two fold:
Help them practice with a skill that will come in handy when later multiplying binomials instead of using the FOIL method
And help them get started in breaking numbers apart for factoring or during factoring


Common core helps kids understand the numbers. Only learning the ritual of arithmetic without a strong foundation in how numbers work is of the reasons why people hit algebra and fall apart.


The guy isn't saying *why* you do any of his steps - it's faster for him because he's memorized the steps, but it's really bad as far as teaching, because there's no explanation of why. The woman is an actual teacher, and she's going slowly to make sure she doesn't skip steps, and she is showing the *connection* between multiplying, and geometry. You would be amazed how many college kids don't know that you multiply Length times Width to get Area of a rectangle, because nobody showed them that! Finally, this way of splitting up ones and tens, shows *why* we do things like carrying (place value) ... and it sets the stage for Algebra later on, when you multiply (3x + 5) times (1x +2) and it's similar to (30 + 5) times (10 + 2) that you learned as a kid. [I'm nearly 50, but I *do* remember learning the reasoning behind multiplying and carrying, back when teachers were given time to explain. The goal of Common Core is to bring that back!]


I was taught that box method in elementary school, however I can pretty much do that equation in my head faster than both of those



Just because it isn't the way you learned it, just because it takes longer, and just because you dont like it doesn't make it bad. We all learn differently and I frankly am happy that we are giving children multiple different methods and tools so they can learn using what works best for them.


It is not about fast, core helps them think out the problems instead of memorization. When algebra time comes, core will help them better. I used to think the same way; I am 66 so I understand your frustration to change. But if I can learn it, so can any other parent/grandparent. You Tube helps a lot.


The way that is taught in schools now is more intuitive. What you are doing is an abstract way of thinking about it as it comes down to "follow these exact set of rules and it will work out i promise". The box method is a drawn out, on paper method for how you are suppose to do mental math. Essentially the new method says "break up the constituant parts, then put them back together" which is incredibly simple to understand. The box method even gives a visualization of this process for when students are first learning the process. I don't get the backlash at all


The method the lady demonstrated helps when learning disabilities are involved. If you can learn and do it the standard way without issue, fantastic. However, several other methods like this are taught in order to have it "click" with everyone, not just those who get the standard way right off. Not everyone learns everything the same ways.


It's not about getting to the answer quickly. It's just another way of thinking about what it means to multiply numbers in reality. Its good to challenge the mind to think differently, and learn that there are many ways to solve a problem. It's not meant to be taught as a replacement for other methods, just another tool in your mathematical toolbox.


To me, both methods are identical. The common core method seems to explicitly separate the multiplication and addition steps where as the old method does both Simultaneously.

IMO, the old method doesnt do both simultaneously well. In the first step of the old method, 2x5. When you carry the 1, explaining why we add 1 to the next multiplication is confusing to a new student. The common core method shows how the multiplication of 2x5 explicitly adds ten to the total.

That’s all opinion though.


I know yall are in here getting your panties in a bunch but you're lucky you understand the short way. I had to take dumb math in high school because the core parts of math multiplication and division did not make sense to me. I would understand algebra 1&2 but I would get the multiplication and division wrong. I'm 29 years old and I'm getting ready to go back to school and try to get an associates because I decided to only get a certificate before so I wouldn't have to take college math. I'm currently studying for the math placement tests. common core has literally brought me to tears happy because it finally fucking makes sense and I feel like a god damn math genius. They've realized that the old way of teaching kids are leaving a lot of smart kids with brains that are wired a bit different behind. My mother could never help me with math because it did no good. She would be like this guy and just be like do this and there is the answer but my brain was like, but why?" If common core was a thing when I was in school I have ZERO doubt in my mind that I would have had a significantly better GPA because I would have across the board D's and F's in math. I also wouldn't have spent countless hours at the kitchen table silently crying to myself until I passed out and gave up.


I've watched a few of these new multiplication videos since hearing about the method. I think it finally clicked for me why they shifted to this. When breaking numbers down to their large components (10s or 100s), you can more quickly get a ballpark estimate of the answer in your head. This is more applicable in real life when you're doing math on the fly in a grocery store or sorting a bill, etc.
Nice video - the splicing the videos together really shows the difference.


I’ve never been in an adult situation where I couldn’t use my phone calculator
