Warren Buffett Explains How To Make A 50% Return Per Year

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Warren Buffett said that if he managed under $1 Million he would be able to make a 50% return. In this video we'll discuss some of the likely strategies that Buffett would use to achieve this high return.

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DISCLAIMER: It's important to note that I am not a financial adviser and you should do your own research when picking stocks to invest in. These are just some of my viewpoints, by no means would I recommend watching one YouTube video and then immediately buying that stock. This video was made for educational and entertainment purposes only. Consult your financial adviser.
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Didn't Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett invent the strategy of buying/investing when the market is low and also buying/investing when the market is high? As Warren Buffet said, he has seen this happen many times in his life. Not an investor. My wife and i never earned more than a middle class salary. We plan to get retired at 58 with a stock portfolio worth $4M. We have never sold so much as one share of stock...


Does the stock market appear to be improving, or is this merely the typical temporary manipulation of the market to draw in new investors? Right now, I have $500k left over from the sale of my house, and I'm wondering whether there are any better investments than stocks to make.


As an lnvesting enthusiast, I often wonder how top level investors are able to become millionaires off investing. . I’ve been sitting on over $545K equity from a home sale and I’m not sure where to go from here, is it a good time to buy into stocks or do I wait for another opportunity?


Great video. We all strive for financial independence and better life. It’s not difficult in achieving this through the right investment, living frugally, and budgeting. I’m glad I learned early in life to work hard for financial freedom


I was told to spread my money across different things like stocks and bonds to protect my $750k retirement savings. Now, with the markets being shaky, should I keep adding money to my portfolio or consider other options?


I met Warren a couple years ago. During the interview someone asked what advice he would give to a small investor just starting out. He said, "Buy any stock you want! If you think it's going to higher, buy it. I have to defend every purchase I make with data to back it up. You don't. Enjoy it!"


1. Don't lose your capital.
2. Never forget rule number one.👌👌


Buffet didn't say, "choose an area that you are interested in" - he said "choose an area of competence" - the difference between these is like listening to music v playing in front of a crowd of 1000 people. Competence takes many thousands of hours of research, study & application


I don´t care how many percent I make. I am focusing on the most important rule of investing: "never lose money" and the rest is going fine.


Iam here to listen the word "invista" 🤣❤


1.) Invest in small market cap stocks
- Choose an area your interested in
- Look for small companies in that sector to find arbitrage situations
2.) Invest in USA stocks
3.) Invest well below intrinsic value
4.) Analyze as many companies as you can


Here is a question. There is no doubt that the author of this video understands this 50% return thing better than all of us. But does he make 50% return a year himself?


Hi, just a quick question: How do you add pictures to your videos while the video is playing on the background?


To 10:40. Where can I find this manual pages ( books or pages ). Thanks for the help :)


The problem is, $1m is considered "pocket change" to him, so that he could invest in a speculative manner. BUT, it's a huge amount to a lot of people who can't afford to treat it as pocket change. The best strategy is "not caring if you lost it all". It's like chasing girls. If you don't give a shit if she rejects you, then your chances go way up.


When you get very rich, you start to have different problems, like liquidity. Many of those billionaires take 10 days to enter or exit a position. When you have $1 million in a very liquid stock (for example Apple), you can exit that position in a day.


Does anyone know a platform that I can use to get the chart showing market price vs intrinsic value? (and all the other key factors)


The most interesting thing I've heard him say is he has no secrets. Ignore sensationalist claims by YouTube wankers.


Warren Buffett assumes that a company that has it's business in order, and a market that's bullish will eventually continue growing. So, if one quarter is slightly off (not too much though) and the price drops to or below the stocks intrinsic value, it's a great opportunity to purchase that stock. One warning though, you should absolutely not listen to other people's opinions regarding what stocks to buy. For example the guy in this video tells when he bought Facebook. But many people ignore this part, and just say stuff like "Yeah, I bought Facebook and it's giving me a nice return." On top of that billionaires on TV often promote their positions, and try to get more people into moving that position a certain direction. So, be very careful when you're reading the news. It often means that you're too late to join the party. Focus on the SEC filings instead.


I learnt a lot of thing this year. I had losses in the beginning till I started learning how to grow my profits with less stress. Account management helps, I don't know what people say or do, but for me, account management was the best way to grow my income by a lot of percentages.
