3 sus chord piano tricks that sound incredible!!

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As a piano student, how often to you play sus chords? If you're like many students, perhaps not very often. In fact, it's fairly common for piano method books to omit sus chords altogether from the harmonic landscape. Other books that include them may only make mention of them in passing. As a result, piano students frequently have little guidance about how to integrate sus chords into their vocabulary. However, in today's Quick Tip, Jonny will walk you through traditional sus chord construction and usage. More importantly, he'll show you how to use sus chord shapes to play beautiful contemporary chord voicings. You'll learn:
-2 Traditional Sus Chord Types
-Contemporary Piano Voicinings with Sus Chord Layering
-Sus Chord Layering Application for a Chord Progression

► Piano Chord Extensions:

► Piano Chord Alterations:

00:00 - Intro
01:16 - 2 Types of Sus Chords
02:42 - Technique 1: Minor Chords
05:52 - Technique 2: Major Chords
08:52 - Technique 3: Dominant Chords
12:24 - Using Sus Chords in a Progression
14:08 - Conclusion

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Happy practicing!
Jonny May
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Intro
01:16 - 2 Types of Sus Chords
02:42 - Technique 1: Minor Chords
05:52 - Technique 2: Major Chords
08:52 - Technique 3: Dominant Chords
12:24 - Using Sus Chords in a Progression
14:08 - Conclusion


Hi my friend i have to tell you that you that you are changing my life with these lessons my name is fabian cosster i am a proud member of piano with jonny i am coming from curacao what i like most is the slide and turns techniqie when i hear a piano improvisation on the radio i van figure out what is going on god bless you i feel very happy to be a member of pianowithjonny


For techniques 1 n 2 another way one can think of the the sus chords being applied is to add the sus2 chord of the relative minor/major chord

Eg. for Dmin u play Fsus2 (Dmin n Fmaj are relative keys

Same for Cmaj (u play Asus 2)


I don't know if you're aware of the impact your lessons have on so many people.

These are life-changing bits you constantly share. 💯🔥


Man I love your energy 😍 you’re the most enthusiastic piano teacher on YouTube!


Woah, I've never though about looking at the top part of extended chords as sus chords on their own, this is very useful information! Thanks!


10/10 video, sus chords are really pretty


Great video. I'm a pianist and a composer and while I know these chords, I've never seen them constructed as sus variants over a base chord. Nice job and what a great way to systemize the "jazzification" of a standard, baroquesque chord progression!


As a self taught musician, I like to believe I’ve made it a whole lot down the road by myself. Then I realize the amount of help I’ve gotten from these guys that have been at for years. This is one of those that made a difference to me; before watching it, I felt stuck and like I was missing a piece of the puzzle. Thanks!


7:00 - just to clarify. The reason it is called a "CMaj13" chord and not "C13" is because of the major 7th (B natural). The 13th is A, but the major part in the name comes from the major 7th (B natural) and not the major 3rd (E natural). You can still have a C Major chord (C-E-G) with a 13th (A) in it, but if it has a Bb (or implies a dominant chord in some way), it would be C13, and not a CMaj13b7 or something wild like that.

I think your explanation of why it's considered a 13 chord is spot-on, but I think you glossed over why it's a CMaj13 and not just C13 or even a Cadd6


Wow, what a clear explanation. You certainly opened some 'doors'. Need to get this under my fingers and keep exploring further. Thanks for the free lesson.


As a guitar and bass player who this was an awesome lesson Johnny! Keep up the good work!


I have seen a lot of jazz videos and this is the greatest one! Incredible how quite complicated math is made as simple as You did!


Beautiful sonic imagery. You paint murals with your music.


This is great- it's an easier way to remember how to play these voicings.


I don´t have words to describes how this lesson changeg my mind!
Thank you for share these fantastic tricks! Best regards from Brazil


Thank you so much for giving this free lesson! God bless you and your music sir! I hope God fills you with wonderful more music!


Jonny, you're a really good professor and your classes are really well presented. I'm learning the guitar and knowing exactly how you're playing those chords is IMMENSELY helpful in transposing from piano to guitar. Thanks a lot 💖💖


2:51 To those watching: This is not a Csus2 chord. It's Cm9. The difference being Jonny's *added* the 2 (or 9 in this case) as well as the 7. These chords sound completely different, which is why chord extensions are so important.


I mainly play poorly to produce music, go in and tweak the midi after to sound right, cuz so many channels presented lessons that didn’t help technique and theory in a way that resonated with me. Your channel has helped tons. Looking forward to trying out writing using these chords
