Intimations of a New Worldview, Part 8.3: The Will to Power (video 3)

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Maslow, A. H. (2015). Toward a Psychology of Being. Sublime Books.
Nietzsche, F. (1997). Nietzsche: Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality (M. Clark & B. Leiter, Eds.; R. J. Hollingdale, Trans.; 2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.
Nietzsche, F., & Kaufmann, W. (1977). The Portable Nietzsche. Penguin Books.
Nietzsche, F. W., Williams, B., Nauckhoff, J., & Del Caro, A. (2001). The gay science: With a prelude in German rhymes and an appendix of songs. Cambridge University Press.
Peterson, J. B. (1999). Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1 edition). Routledge.
Richardson, J. (1996). Nietzsche’s System (1st edition). Oxford University Press.
Рекомендации по теме

Super fantastic. On the edge of my seat...Thank you.


"An explanation of complexity is just an explanation of existence itself."

I like it, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

- Chris


Yes! Please continue till you finish all the parts. This is a very important and valuable series for me. I feel so fortunate to have found it. I plan to really review and study all the lectures to hopefully enhance as well as progress in my self healing journey. Tysm for your 7 years of tireless work on formulating this world view backed with science and then presenting it to the world


i will surf the uncertainty of when episode 9 will come out


Interesting. In "The Immortality Key" by Brian Muraresku he explores and offers considerable evidence for how early Christian rituals (proto-christian era) were incorporating Dionysian 'ergot infused wine' rituals that were facilitated by women/ priestesses all throughout greater Greece. In order to 'convert' these Dionysius worshippers the rituals associated with wine were subsumed by Jesus. Which is perhaps why we see so much in the new testament surrounding wine and wine related miracles.


Finally was able to catch up with your release pace :) I have many thoughts. Indeed the overman is perceived as insane due to the gap between him and the herd morality, but what differentiates this genius from a genuine lunatic? For example, the woke jihad which is upon us came and uprooted most of the traditional values - is this progress or degradation? how should we distinguish? and some points to consider when we advocate pro-chaos approach, i'd love to hear what you think of them: The Hero's role is not to cultivate chaos, it is to face it and integrate it to a higher order. There is a Jewish law that when you have an old synagogue and you want to build a new and improved one, you cannot destroy the old before you build the new, unless the old is dangerous and might collapse. I think that with morals and values it is similar. You cannot just come and say all you believe in is nonsense or a thing of the past if you cannot provide a viable and accessible alternative. Furthermore, it is true that the supreme value is the never-ending complexification and progress to new and better values, but you must also appreciate the way and the concrete, and therefore limited and temporary, values and beliefs you get along this process. if all values and beliefs have no merit other than a thing to destroy - you will be left empty. It works like water skiing - you must keep moving forward to stay up, but you cannot do it if your feet are not standing firmly on the rushing waters. As one of my rabbi's said "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree" - every year the leaves of the palm tree dry and fall, . but what is left of them is what the trunk is built from and getting higher"


Yes, Cybulska is the woman surname, It's polish surname and 'a' at the and indicates that Cybulska is the women.


When are the next parts being posted Brett?


In Ecce Homo, he writes:

‘The organizing idea that is destined to rule keeps growing deep down - it begins to command, slowly it leads us back from side roads and wrong roads; it prepares single qualities and fitnesses that will one day prove to be indispensable as a means toward a whole - one by one, it trains all subservient capacities before giving any hint of the dominant task, goal, aim or meaning.’

@Brett do you have any idea or thoughts how to translate this quote from Nietzsche by use of what you explained already?

I didn't went deep into Nietzsche because although his work resonated with me but I didn't have key to interpret it in terms of the big picture, in a way that could be discussed and integrate. But I guess now that problem was solved. :)
