Intimations of a New Worldview, Part 6.3: The Return of the Great Mother (video 3)

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Kuhn, T. S. (1962). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.
Nicholson, D. J., & Dupré, J. (Eds.). (2018). Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology (Illustrated edition). OUP Oxford.
Nietzsche, F., & Kaufmann, W. (1977). The Portable Nietzsche. Penguin Books.
Peterson, J. B. (1999). Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1 edition). Routledge.
Prigogine, I., & Stengers, I. (1984). Order out of chaos: Man’s new dialogue with nature (0 ed.). Bantam New Age Books.
Rescher, N. (1996). Process metaphysics: An introduction to process philosophy (First Edition). SUNY Press.
Richardson, J. (1996). Nietzsche’s System (1st edition). Oxford University Press.
Smolin, L. (2014). Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe (Reprint edition). Mariner Books.
Taleb, N. N. (2012). Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. Random House.
Tarnas, R. (1991). Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View (Reprint edition). Ballantine Books.
Рекомендации по теме

Another good lecture. You mentioned being on a deadline. I think in the last video you said that you only had software for a limited time. I'd like to recommend some software.

1) Screen & camera recording: OBS Studio
2) Video editing: DaVinci Resolve

These are both very popular and free.


Brilliant, excelllent work. Always a pleasure to listen.


Thank you, Mr Anderson, for pushing through when you werent feeling 💯


Lets do it 💪❤ hope you feel better soon! This was great, i feel like im getting into the groove ❤ c u there


Really enjoying the videos Brett. Thanks, hope you feel better soon


This is awesome, thank you for putting it out!


I appreciate the reviews of the philosophers as it helps entry into areas I am are less familiar with. There are aspects of our current thought that is linked to older paradigms that are now just expressing them selves in different ways. Ones that have flaws, aspects unresolved or just content dependent, although the content is now ancient history. I do I agree with the idea of nihilism being a transitionary mode. You look at history and it is something you can see now. And a big one at different levels. I would say far back. The internet is an example of this breaking of limits. Net working, like the coffee shops in the enlightenment or the during birth of civilisation, were restricted by the size of the city. this is no longer this restriction. Also access to knowledge(and white noise) is no longer restricted by money. We are going that far back to see what we need to address. Being or becoming . I would say it is neither one or the other but both. But what does a mortal man such as me know. Really good listening to your you tube series. The sense of urgency regarding time limit re your software has added something to it, not taken anything away.


Brett really reminds me of Kurt Jaimungal! Would be great to see you two chat or collaborate, I think you're definitely at about the same level.


I appreciate how solidly you synthesize these distinct theories. Even notions of conservative versus liberal principles loosely map order and chaos. It seems to come up all over, as complexity theory would suggest.

It’s funny one of your Tarnas quotes is very similar in his Cosmos and Psyche book, likewise reference Saturn in astrological terms. Wonder how much he did that.


Since you bring up the economy and how we coddle it and push it towards order, I will add that I have started seeing a shift in the economics literature towards dynamic models over static, steady state models. However, this is convergent with your argument; economics is tending towards more process based theories, but its albeit slow and has a lot of catching up to do.


I am really learning so much from your videos and I appreciate all that you are giving us.
I am not sure if you know that Mat Segall was Tarnas's son- in- law for a short while. He has a podcast called Footnotes to Plato and he explores Whitehead in may of those. He and his former wife Becca are brilliant!
Thank you Brett!


What's your take on Jesus Christ?
