Mortal vs. Venial Sin

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Even though mortal sins are more deadly than venial sins, that doesn’t mean venial sins are harmless. Fr. Mike explains the damage venial sins do to us and advises us to not become complacent in our sin, no matter how minor it may seem to us, because all sin negatively impacts our relationship with God.



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The worst thing about committing a sin you have been trying to break is feeling filthy and empty immediately after :(


My dearest prayers go out to those souls who die unexpectedly without having a chance to confess a mortal sin. May the Lord have mercy on their souls and find true repentance deep within their hearts.


It is time to get back in relationship with God.


Don't ever let guilt cause despair.


I once forsaken God, cursed his name, doubted his entire existence. Now i'm brought back before the alter on my knees, seeking God's mercy


Since August I've prayed a rosary every day and gone to daily Mass. All my prayers have been that my six children (and one daughter in law) would get into a state of grace because I fear the coming chastisement. They had all drifted away, as young adults do. I put it in Mary's hands. My Christmas gift this year is that they all went to confession today (Dec. 26) and I'm so happy I could cry. Pulled up this video as a way to help them.


Okay so cool story - I just got into a fight with my brother over a petty matter and I was regretting it as I walked to my room. Almost as soon as I felt this regret, my iPod lights up with the notification for this video. Weird


Thank you father, 😭😭 i just realize that God will still love you and give you grace even if you turn your back to him doing mortal sin 😢 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!!


I heard a preacher say "you can't outsin God's grace." I like that saying a lot, and it keeps the door to God open to me. (I'm not Catholic but I learn a lot from Fr. Mike and his talks.)


This video made cried because I've committed sin that I couldnt forgive myself. I felt I am not worthy of forgiveness. After watched this I realised how much God love me and how wonderful His love is. His Grace is beyond my imagination. Thank you for this message. Now I have courage to go to confession and come back to Him.


Thank you for not allowing advertisements on this part of YouTube world. Thank you.... profoundly


I am a new Catholic. This may be the explanation about the two types of sin that I have heard so far.


I'm a Protestant. This video was good. I would confess my sin first to God through Jesus then I'd talk to either the minister of the church I attend or one of the elders. Repentance follows and I would stop living in that particular sin. I'm so grateful for grace which sets us free to live light without the burden of slavery to sin. Living a good life feels good too :)


Had tears in my eyes seeing and listening to you Father, the last thought crossing my mind was, it’s like seeing and listening to Jesus, may God bless you Father


I have been trying to avoid looking at Porn. Not easy to do. Every time I do it I feel guilty, and feel like God hates what I did. I am a single man, so you probably get this sin from a lot of guys. I am trying to break the cycle, but it is very difficult.


Thanks Father I'm going to confession this Saturday.


Grammer is horrible
Father Mike you brought me to tears.
I walked away from the church as a child and stayed lost for 40 years. As a child with a childs brain I could not understand. I have always been searching, Sep 30, 19 I meet with my pastor for a deep confession and a rejoining of our church.


Even as a protestant its important to understand god's will and laws. Submit to him and pray for his grace.


wow. I can't stop crying ryt now but I need to post this though I've NEVER posted on a public forum. for a long time now I've been going so far away from god and the farther i went the more difficult it was to even approach him . It was so hard to lose my best friend and my father and my rock. today I take my phone to text someone to ask for prayers and I actually type out Is there a point of no return with sin?.. but I couldn't send it cuz I knew the theoretical answer. but it's so difficult to believe that when u feel like filth. I try to pray and on failing I come on YouTube on an impulse and i find this. Your grace can still find me where I am! I can't thank u enough fr mike.. love from India.


"I confess to the Almighty God, I recognize in front of my brothers and sisters in Christ, that I have sinned in thoughts, in words, by actions and by omissions...Yes I have truly sinned. That's why that I implore the Virgin Mary, the angels and all the saints and you too my brothers and sisters to pray for me the Lord our God...Amen"
