How to add Custom Item Models to Minecraft 1.21.4 - Resourcepack tutorial

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Minecraft 1.21.4 changed a lot about how custom item models work and in this tutorial I’ll show you how to add Custom Item Models.

In this tutorial I’ll show you where to place your files in your resourcepack, how the new file in the items folder works, I’ll show you an example of adding custom behaviour and how to update your old custom item models to this version of Minecraft.

If you’re on a server and working with the Custom Roleplay Data datapack, stick around till the end where I explain updating custom model data. That’s the same system Custom Roleplay Data relies on!

This tutorial is made in Minecraft 1.21.4 and may not work with older or newer versions of the game.

Links mentioned in this video:

Tutorial Playlist:

00:00 - Intro
00:20 - What you’ll need
00:39 - Setting up your resourcepack
02:18 - How Minecraft 1.21.4 is different
02:44 - Importing your model and texture
03:25 - Our friend Misode’s generator
05:04 - Testing in-game
06:08 - More customisation options
07:07 - A more complex example; using_item
10:23 - Updating older models
15:14 - Outro


Thanks for watching and have a wonderful day!

#100percentme #minecraft #tutorial
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You're the only person I have found actually talking about ways to just update old packs and it was super frustrating because the update is so new. Thank you for covering everything you did, it was a great help in fixing some things.

Quick edit. I should mention that the only reason someone would be using the more complex method is if you are using the "Custom Roleplay Data" datapack like they do for Hermitcraft, the current version still requires the reference numbers no matter how clunky they may be so if you are trying to let players on a server use it without admin access the /trigger command still expects the number. Could always add that the description and get some boosted traffic.


I swear I was looking all over the internet on why my old pack didn't work. Thank you so much for sharing this!


Thank you for saving my life, I used a ton of custom models using overrides and was so lost on how to update my packs


This is perfect! I have a massive server resourcepack I need to update and this video explained it perfectly.


The thumbnail its so accurate, its like everyone knows how to do it in theory but... always fail in something 😅


This is soooo cool! Great explanation as well Percy :D


This helps so much! Thank you for these types of videos I love them :D


How can I add a custom model to my Minecraft waypoint plugin? I want to use custom model data to make the model placeable in the game. Could you create a tutorial or video explaining how to achieve this?


If anyone is still needing my conversion tool, I did update it to fix the namespace issue


10:23 I tried to follow the tutorial step by step but it didn't work and now the original item I used also has no texture. can you help me


Oh! So you dont need to have an existing item in the items folder!
Thank you!


How do i have to name the texture or put it on the model. The model is working but not the texture


Thank's for your the tutorial, it's brilliant!!!
I'm not professional, so I've stuck for almost 4 hours to figure out the problem.
And I found out if you are using a helmet to try this method.
It must have to add into nbt of the helmet, even if the item is equippable originally.
I use a iron helmet to implement step by step with your video, but I didn't add that tag.
(Because I thought "Hmm... it's already equippable. Maybe I don't need to add that tag?")
So the custom hat only show in the slot or on the ground. But didn't show on my head when I put it on.
After so much time, I finally realize the problem is on the equippable tag, haha. :D
Anyway, thanks again! You are a excellent teacher! Love from Taiwan~




this is just what I needed! also, do animated textures work with the custom models?


youtube keeps deleting my comments ;-; but I just wanted to say, great video, it actually helped me!


Hey, this video was amazing! It was super informative and really helped me a lot. I was wondering if you could possibly make a tutorial on how to set up an item so that it appears 2D in the hotbar but 3D when held in the hand? That would be awesome! Thanks!


I was just searching this! is perfect but i have a problem... why when i load the texturepack the texture of my item is like air. i will apreciate so much if you can answer me. anyways thanks this video helped me.


I think i missed something and idk where to find it but where you brought the custom model and texture into the folders, where did you get those and how can i make my own im really confused 2:49


hey so when i load the rescource pack onto vs code it shows a bunch of random letters and numbers and I don't know how to fix that


how would you change the texture of the same model though command or name (im making playing card resource pack and im using 3d so the back isnt the same texture) great tutorial btw
