Raspberry Pi Pico W LESSON 2: Understanding and Using Breadboards
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In this class we will be using the Sunfounder Raspberry Pi Pico W Keppler Kit. It will make things a lot easier if we are working on identical hardware. the link below is to amazon, and is for the identical hardware I will be using in this entire class.
In this introductory video, I will show you how to build your first circuit using the breadboard, and connecting it to the Pico W. We will blink an external LED from the Pico W. My goal is not to 'Show Off', but to genuinely teach you how you can do this type of work and projects on your own. Enjoy!
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In this class we will be using the Sunfounder Raspberry Pi Pico W Keppler Kit. It will make things a lot easier if we are working on identical hardware. the link below is to amazon, and is for the identical hardware I will be using in this entire class.
In this introductory video, I will show you how to build your first circuit using the breadboard, and connecting it to the Pico W. We will blink an external LED from the Pico W. My goal is not to 'Show Off', but to genuinely teach you how you can do this type of work and projects on your own. Enjoy!
Find more great content at my WEB site,
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