EEVblog #1069 - Mailbag

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Mailbag is back!

Franlab T-Shirt:
ServoShock PS4 Playstation wireless controller for servo motors.
Papyrus gift
PSM400 Arduino Mains Line Monitor

Fran Blanche

MakerBuino DIY handheld game console

4 Wire Short


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Oh my god Dave discovering that two of the servos are connected to the gyros was just amazing.
I instantly had to think of the cat coming closer when not looking. Dave looks at the servos, they do nothing, he starts talking and gesticulating, they move, he stares at them, silence. Hmmmm. Starts talking again, they move. He stares at them, they stop. "I guess, I, huh? Ohh, OOOH! Tilt!"


Thank you so much for unboxing and showing MAKERbuino in this episode of mailbag!
xoxo love from Croatia :)

- the MAKERbuino team


Hopefully that Siglent tea set doesn't come with the trademark rust along the edges.


The servo ps4 shield is awesome! Neat idea!


With regards to Sagan soldering, my uncle Ray showed me how to solder when I was 7 back in 1980. I still have the board and it's a really blobby mess. Later, he showed me how to do it properly and not use so much solder on the joints. He had a junk board with a card edge connector he had me do this with. All I was doing was soldering pieces of bus wire into the holes on the PCB, but I spent hours doing it because I was so enthusiastic by the whole process. Even if Sagan didn't make something functional, he could make a peice of art, and you can keep it and show him later when he gets older.


I love talking shop at my kids just to see what sticks. They regularly surprise me.


Hmmm. Donno. For the mains detection or survaillance i'd just go with a 240V=> 5V transformer. Proper isolation, and with a voltage divider you get frequency and voltage to directly do stuff with AD pins.
..And whilst you're there you can also use it as power supply..


The center pad is a touchpad, so probably has x and y movement via finger motion on the touchpad... To explain the last 2 servos erratic motion.


Am i the only one noticing the safety spacing on the PSM400A from Austin's Circuits is completely missing? The "long" footprint for the resistors come VERY close to the bottom right block of resistors which is connected to the low voltage side. FAIL!


Hi, I am the guy who sent you the blinkenrocket kit. Thanks for showing it! I actually soldered the EASY version of the kit with my daughter. This is only the matrix, the coin cell holder, two buttons and the audio jack. No SMD components. I think 6 is a little early to handle those tiny parts with scissors while melting metal.. But i DID solder the NORMAL version, with all SMD components, last week with a friends kid who is 9.


The 'big button' on the DualShock4 is actually a touch pad, its a really awesome feature for use with a PC (on the PS4 the game has to be programed for it).


Mailbaaag - :-)
Happy easter - I'm glad that it's vacation time, and I don't have to feel bad enjoying another segment of Dave's fun - whilst skipping out on my own work.
Keep up the good work!


Couple of great kits. That frame that simulates slow motion is super cool.


I got a set of these ServoShock from the KickStarter event, they are awesome! Neat to see it make the EEVblog mailbag!


Did you pick up on the fact that the silk screen for the pin header on Austin's AC monitor matched the output lugs, pin-for-pin according to his printed sheet?


Ah, Protel Easytrax/Autotrax, I miss those two. So much ahead of their time. Quick(awesome keyboard shortcuts), easy and intuitive. And Aussie made!


Don't talk to me about postage. A viewer on my channel shipped up a SVHS VCR to repair from USA to me in Canada. Cost him 86.00 yanky bucks to ship it to me, and 59 Loonies to ship it back after it was repaired. More in shipping than the repair cost.


OCD alert: There was a protective plastic membrane on the LCD of the game console. Also, the PCB has the button names silk-screened on the front.
Glad to see a new mailbag!


I hope my son looks up to me when he's older like your son looks up to you. That's all a father can hope.


Great mailbag Dave :D I like the Playbuino kit, shame i didn't hear the sounds, those good old 80's 8 bit bleeps!. I would put some smd LEDS around the display so you can play it in a dark room, but that's one of those things you just have to experiment with i guess. Rock on! And the playstation servo control also a great idea!
