Growing strawberries 🍓 under lights
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Strawberry plant with fruit under artificial lights (T8 fluorescent lights)
I run the lights for 16hours a day in the summer. The plant needs a winter dormancy outside and it should be kept there, protected from frost using mulch until early spring when I can bring it back inside for flowering under lights.
To be added soon for orchid care: orchid species haul, greenhouse tours, temperature preference, repotting, soil media, watering, humidity, repotting, water culture, phalaenopsis, neofinetia falcata, cattleya, latouria, dendrobiums, vanda, oncidiums, alliance orchids, paphiopedilums, masdevallias, bulbophyllum, blooming and spikes, timelapse videos, miniature orchids, how to have healthy roots, choosing the right potting medium, rot and rotting problems, artificial and supplemental light, fluorescent T8 T5 and LED tubes and bulbs, unboxing videos, fertilizer use, choosing fragrant varieties, common problems and diseases, creating an indoor garden, indoor plants as air filters, orchid shows, carnivorous plants, nepenthes, venus flytrap, sundews, terrestrial orchids, peace lily, spider plant, rose plant, begonias, lithops, staghorn fern, succulents, cactus, peperomia, fittonia, miniature rose, orchidweb nursery etc.
Very easy plants to take care of indoors. Basic care and gardening maintenance of these plants are very attainable in a home or apartment. via the Indoor Gardener
Фаленопсис орхидея
फ़लाइओपिस ऑर्किड
Африканская фиалка
अफ्रीकी वायलेट
I run the lights for 16hours a day in the summer. The plant needs a winter dormancy outside and it should be kept there, protected from frost using mulch until early spring when I can bring it back inside for flowering under lights.
To be added soon for orchid care: orchid species haul, greenhouse tours, temperature preference, repotting, soil media, watering, humidity, repotting, water culture, phalaenopsis, neofinetia falcata, cattleya, latouria, dendrobiums, vanda, oncidiums, alliance orchids, paphiopedilums, masdevallias, bulbophyllum, blooming and spikes, timelapse videos, miniature orchids, how to have healthy roots, choosing the right potting medium, rot and rotting problems, artificial and supplemental light, fluorescent T8 T5 and LED tubes and bulbs, unboxing videos, fertilizer use, choosing fragrant varieties, common problems and diseases, creating an indoor garden, indoor plants as air filters, orchid shows, carnivorous plants, nepenthes, venus flytrap, sundews, terrestrial orchids, peace lily, spider plant, rose plant, begonias, lithops, staghorn fern, succulents, cactus, peperomia, fittonia, miniature rose, orchidweb nursery etc.
Very easy plants to take care of indoors. Basic care and gardening maintenance of these plants are very attainable in a home or apartment. via the Indoor Gardener
Фаленопсис орхидея
फ़लाइओपिस ऑर्किड
Африканская фиалка
अफ्रीकी वायलेट