15 Things You Should Never Do In Austria

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1:20 That's true in principle, but it applies more to the 65+ generation. It can be assumed that the average Austrian under 65 speaks and understands English quite well. English is a compulsory subject in school from primary school onwards. We listen to a lot of English-language music and meanwhile there are also many English-language terms in our everyday vocabulary.

2:00 That's not quite right. We don't hate this movie. We just don't care about it. The film was simply a flop in Austria and Germany. But of course you can mention it. It just don't impress us and you don't get into conversation with us about it. That's all.

6:00 This is absolute nonsense. In Austria, only Vienna has a real subway. Other cities have buses and trams.


Never approach anyone's basements, you never know who or what they might have imprisoned in there. LoL


Interesting background music choice...like a string orchestra in a club xD

0:53 Whoever tells you the Schnitzel originated from Germany has no idea what they are talking about about - it originated in Milan, Italy.
1:20 This one has nothing to do with Austria per se and is more a general rule.
2:00 The Sound of Music is a musical, not a movie! Ontop there is an Austrian version done with direct involvment of the Trap family a years prior - the US version is a ripoff. Beyond that its more a question what you are focussing on when you see it. Ignorant people from around the world, without any knowledge of the history or culture involved see beautiful landscapes and songs. Austrians see a family being forced to leav their home because of their religion + a blatant misinterpretation what those dark times where actually like. For Austrians "The Sound of Music" is like "Song of the South" for US americans.
2:22 I would actually recommend the OPPOSITE. People do go out on Sundays exactly because ots a free day. Has nothing really to do with religion, its a simple law that every business has to close 1 day in 7 - most choose Sunday. I rather see it as a respect towards the employee giving them the right to relax aswell and not having to work like a slave 24/7 - unlike in other countries.
3:20 Why should it be free - its a product, no?
3:43 I could write entire essays on that - specially in coffee houses waiters will only come to your table when called or asked and might ignore you even for 1h if you dont signal them - thats not rude, they are actually trained to behave like that! Understand the culture you are visiting and dont just bring your rule from home.
5:55 btw, thats the U-Bahn in Frankfurt in Germany. U-Bahn does not get you around Austria - as the commentator suggested - rather in Vienna, the capital.


Sorry „never accept rude waiters“ is bullshit! We Austrians especially we Viennese people do accept and actually love-hate rude waiters, especially in cafes! If you are working as waiter in a traditional cafe you have to be rude - that’s (for sure that’s not understandable to other people from all over the world!!!) a some kind of tradition! And you give him tip, although he is rude! And if the waiter is friendly and not rude, there are just 2 possibilities: 1. the waiter is not a real viennese or 2. you are not in a traditional Viennese cafe


Do not passionately kiss on the Streets 😘💋
