My top 10 favourite plugins!

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00:00 Intro
00:43 Disclosure
01:25 Number 1
03:39 Number 2
04:12 Number 3
05:46 Number 4
06:13 Number 5
06:51 Number 6
08:20 Number 7
09:39 Number 8
11:14 Number 9
12:42 Number 10
14:40 Outro
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10:25 Right click in the window, and you can switch from freehand drawing mode into point placing mode. You can enable grid snapping for the points, and have different line and point interpolation modes. Lines even has algorithms, such as triangle, sawtooths, etc. to create perfectly tuned phase rotations. You can replicate the effect of Kilohearts Disperser and similar plugins easily.


Currently my go-to plugins are:

Channel strips: Scheps Omni Channel 2 (So musical, worth it just for the preamps, but then the eq is fabulous) or if that isn't what I'm after...SSL Native Channelstrip 2 (Sometimes I want a cleaner more polished sound, and eq'ing into SSL dynamics is such a classic sound). Both of those are absolutely solid channel strips and will do a lot of the legwork.

EQ: Pro-Q 3 - It's a standard workhorse. Sounds great, lovely interface. Generally I find the channel strip eq's are more musical and the Pro-Q 3 is more technical/surgical.

Tape: Either the A800 Studer from UA or J37 from Waves. Both are really really nice tape emulations.

Reverb: LX480 (for a fabulous Lexicon sound), Valhalla Vintage Reverb (again, lovely and rich) and Pro-R (when I want a real sounding space or 'that' polish).

Delay: Echoboy, H-Delay from Waves or Valhalla Delay. It's usually down to how much grit I want coming through, how dark I want things, how much the delay breaks up and smears over time etc. They all do a great job so it's just down to taste.

Saturation: Usually the preamps on the channel strips or Saturn 2. True Iron is super subtle but adds a bit of sparkle and solidity.

Dynamics: UA LA2A (It has that lushness and presence the original hardware has, esp when driven), Waves CLA-76 or Stillwell Rocket (When I need some smack), Waves DBX-160 (Usually for drum punch).

Bus Dynamics: SSL Native Bus, Waves SSL Bus Comp (I find the Waves has a bit more bite/grit than the SSL Native), Pro-MB (Just a touch to keep things under control).

Dirt and Grit: Waves Berzerk, NI Bite, NI Dirt, Soundtoys Decapitator, Fabfilter Saturn 2, Unfiltered Audio Dent/Indent, anything by Glitchmachines, RC-20 Retrocolour, loads of things to mess sound up. :)

Tools: ADPTR MetricAB (Great for AB'ing between a track and a reference, though Ozone does this now), SPL Hawkeye (For monitoring), Melda MAnalyser (Great for checking overall mix balance against a reference curve).

Obviously you don't need all these and many do more or less the same thing so I might pick whatever I'm feeling in the mood for, but these are my workhorses.


Tokyo Dawn Labs have an exquisite suite of excellent plugins. very affordable and with excellent price


Soothe 2 plugin, for me the best spectral resonance tamer in the market, it just goes on sale during the Black Friday weekend.


Sonible’s True Balance and True Level are permanently on my Master out. You’re absolutely right about not going too crazy with tweaking the differences. Once you put a few reference tracks into them and see all the differences, it’s actually a sigh of relief. Which is exactly why I love them. Sometimes my mixes need to be quieter. And that’s perfectly OK. Especially when I see my mixes compared to Brian Eno or Vangelis. Sonible tells me I’m doing just fine 😀


I have several of these plugins as well and share your enthusiasm for them. But with yesterday's purchase of UA Sound City, and after spending a few hours with it, I now have a new Number 1.


nice list, definitely a great starting point for any audio folks in 2023,
I wonder what do you think about new TDR Filters (bundle)?


Favorite newly discovered compressor is the SPL Iron. I've kinda switched over to it from the Fairchild stuff, especially for vocals. I just love how thick it makes things sound. I've found a use for it on everything, but it's my go-to for vocal and bass compression.


Pro-Q3. My workhorse EQ for all my tv/film/streaming mixes. Pro-C2 is right there with it. My most used deessers are Pro-DS and AVA DeEsser, though I have and sometimes use several others. I love to live-denoise with Bertom Denoiser Pro. Offline it's RX and Acon Digital Extract Dialogue. I'm using the SplitEQ, but I often don't have the time to put it to proper use. Soothe is working the occasional magic on some dialogue tracks. Reverbs are Valhalla Room for stereo and Stratus and Verberate Immersive for 5.1. Pro-R v2 looks interesting. Testing it now for its great interface. That's all my basic stuff really.
I picked up the UAD 1176 collection for $50 because some fellow dialogue mixers always like those, and they're turning out to be pretty damn good. May become a new favorite.


Nice video. I'm a big fan of the IK Multimedia T-RackS analogue EQ and compressor emulations (like the Black 76 and EQP-1A), plus ValhallaVintageVerb and Soundtoys Decapitator and EchoBoy.


Melodyne, UAD Studer. Pro Q, Dyneone, UAD Compressor bundles, Soothe 2, Gullfoss, Weiss MM1, all sonible Smart stuff, Michaelangelo


10:27 You can rightclick the area and disable drawing mode. you can then create/delete nodes (by double clicking) with different curve types.


Same as me. I was skeptical with the Sonible Smart Suite but after using them in my recent productions, I've actually started moving away from using Ozone 10 Advance and Fab-Filter Suite for mastering.


True:Balance tells me if I need to take a break or not, spot on!


With iso rx, Steinberg (makers of cubase) have their own program that does similar things with ai generated algorithms called spectral layers. It's really good at what it does, and you can almost perfectly (almost) remove full vocals or instrument parts from mixed tracks etc. It's never 100% perfect like with all these "unmixing" solutions, but it's SO so useful when doing any kind of audio restoration work, and it's constantly getting better and better at doing it in each subsequent version release. And for a cubase user like myself, makes more sense as it can be loaded up in cubase as a extension and it seamlessly integrates with it. They also have it in Steinberg's new vst format .ARA (Steinberg are the inventors of the .vst & .vst3 standard btw), which should make integration into other modern DAWs much more seamless too. 🤟


Split EQ has been in my mix bag since the first day it came out. They set the trend and now the cat is outta the bag everywhere. Cool to see. Have to give them props.


Valhalla Vintage Verb and Mixbox from T-Racks are my current favourites.


As a hobbyist that wants to keep his budget in check, I'm glad I discovered the Tonebooster plugins. The EQ and Limiter especially. They're very good considering how much they cost. However, I couldn't resist getting UVI Shade this black friday and I think I'm falling in love.


If it wasn’t for this video I would have missed the Alysia Compressor deal. Thank You White Sea Studio 🎉


VoosteQ Model N is the one most talked about on Gearspace right now. Best plugin of the year they say, some say in many years.

Personally I think that Synplant 2 is the most impressive - made-by-one-person (and his brother) plugin perhaps ever.
The True Cuckoo episode of it is nothing but amazing.
