What Breaking Your Arm Feels Like

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If you've never broken a bone, be thankful and do watch your step.


I’ve never broken a bone and I don’t want that to change.


Pretty accurate to when I broke my arm


I've broken my left wrist 3 times this is so true like I felt no pain but I was crying cause I could see that there was something wrong and that led me to scream and then the pain settled and just wow no meds work and it's just awful


Trust me, I’ve been through this a lot

when I say a lot I mean. 2 or 3 times

and yes it’s true, I broke my arm 2 or 3 times

Can I have 10 likes pls lol


When I was 12 I fell off an electric scooter going 20-ish mph.
My right arm practically snapped in half
both forearm bones were completely broken
took me 2 years recover.

Moral of the story, kids, is that you're not invincible
anything can happen, anywhere anytime, and it can change your life


When i broke my leg it felt like i got shot with an AK-47 and hit with a sledgehammer 15 times


I just broke my arm today and we had to wait in the hospital for 4hours


I was talking to my friend about how I've never broke a bone and within a year I broke a knuckle and dislocated my knee twice


When my arm broke i was in shock so didnt feel pain when i broke i heard the sound crunch (hes right about the throbing pain its not as painful as you think)
I got morphine for pain


Extremely accurate to when I broke my collarbone I heard and felt it snap, but no initial pain, it was my collarbone so I tried lifting my arm and it was like and gritty, grinding feeling. It’s not fun


is it bad that i want to break my arm. not just for attention or pity, but just for ditching online class for the longest time


Right after I turned 12, I broke my left wrist while doing a Russian kick dance. Both of the bones were snapped at the wrist. They were each broken about an inch away from the radial growth plate. The pain started immediately, and it was intense. I immediately began yelling "I just broke my wrist." When my mom came to check on it, it was ever so slightly bent like an "S." Within 10 minutes of the accident, I was at the ER. They did x-rays, found out both bones were broken, and decided to transfer me to a different hospital. At a larger hospital, I waited to be taken back for 2 hours, and then was finally taken back to what they called "The Bone Room." I waited another 3 hours before the team came to fix my arm. A nurse inserted the IV, pumped the drugs into my system, and I was out within 15 seconds. So I'm in the hospital by having the weirdest hallucinations that I have ever had in my life, and mind you there's 2 people manhandling my arm. Finally wake up, nurse takes me back to a different room, where I sit waiting for the drugs to wear off. Mind you, I hear alarms going off everywhere because this is a hospital emergency department. The effects completely wear off after about 30 minutes, and my parents started the hour-long drive back home. We ended up getting Domino's when we got back to my town, because at this point it was 8:30 PM. So I get home, I eat dinner, and I have to sleep in a recliner. At the time of finishing this comment, it is 7:21 AM February 4th, 2023. So what's the moral of the story? Don't do dumb things like I did without proper training. Even then, things can go wrong. Seriously wrong.


I have never been to an ER or an urgent care.


When I broke my wrist it was hanging but that was a few months ago now I have a crooked arm lol


I Love The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost


In the first grade I fell off a swing backwards on the playground at the highest point. I don’t remember doing anything to break my fall, and now I realize I was probably super lucky nothing broke. I’ve never broken or sprained anything :D


I saw a girl break her shin when i played rugby. It was so traumatic for me i quit the next practice and i have such an intense fear of breaking bones now that it keeps me from doing things i used to do


Thats EXACTLY what happened when i broke my arm


I broke my arm yesterday! It took 10 minutes for me to feel it! Lol! My first concern wasn't whether my arm was broken or not I was concerned about whether I would be able to play guitar or not
