15 Genius Tips for Getting and Staying Organized!/Craft Room Organization

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In this video, I'll be sharing 15 genius tips for getting and staying organized. Whether you're struggling with clutter at home or feeling overwhelmed by your workload, these tips will help you to streamline your life and increase your productivity.

Having struggled with organization for years (due to a plethora of stuff), I know that an organizational system is only successful if you can maintain it. I have learned many lessons over the years and discovered and developed systems that work for me, and I think they will work for you, too.

Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or just someone looking to improve their organizational skills, this video has something for everyone. By the end, you'll have a toolbox of strategies and techniques to help you get and stay organized, so that you can focus on what really matters in your life.

Also, check out Canterbury Cottage on Pinterest and Tik Tok.

Check out my Amazon storefront for many of the tools and supplies used in today’s video!
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Wow, your husband picked out the perfect gift! And your carpenter knocked it out of the park! It’s like walking into your own personal craft store❤️ Looks amazing!!


Isn't it wonderful that your husband showed how much he "gets you" by having this table designed so perfectly? I could see how happy you were!


You've invented a new furniture category: the crafting island! It was so much fun to take a look around your amazing craft room and all your secret goodies. I have three big drawers full of supplies, a table, and a good lamp, and I thought THAT was a big deal!


Your husband is a keeper, the carpenter was spot-on with the details, and your space is a dream. But the best part was conveying your experience and giving such supportive and informative tips on what to avoid when setting up a craft area. Great video!!!


A crafters dream room, I love the flower tower and I have to say your husband knocked it out of the park with his gift, I also like the peg board where everything is in sight. Thanks for giving us some great ideas!


The biggest tip I have, make sure to reserve some energy and time to put things away. I get worn out, and then things can sit until I'm well enough to put things away. A second tip is to recognize that our pursuits may grow, and as they do, we must make room to accommodate the expansion or changes we make as we discover our niche. Thanks, it must be refreshing to have an organized space in which to work and create. God Bless, Cherie! 💖🕊🙏👑✝


I think after all your hard work making all your gorgeous videos you deserve this new table. It’s given me lots of ideas for my sewing/craft room. It’s mainly sewing, but I do other things too. I’m going to show this to my husband to show HIM that there are lots of people out there just like me! Loved this video, very very cathartic. The heavy duty drawers and the special metal plate were genius. What a carpenter! Bloods worth bottling as they say here in NZ. Love from me to you xxx😊


I think you should paint your window well white and then an inspiring quote like "craft what you love" or "let's get started!"


It’s so nice to have a husband that appreciates your gifts and talents and even encourages you in them.


Good afternoon, Sherry!! Your craft room is heavenly! Your husband's gift is so thoughtful and perfect! I love the charging area for your power tools. Your craft room was efficient in your last organization installment. With the addition of your custom table has bumped it up to the next level. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. ❤ Bobbie xoxo.


You deserve such a fabulous craft room Sherry, you are the crafting queen. Your husband must be so proud of you. To have 166K subs in such a short time says it all.


Wow, that craft table is something else, soft close drawers to boot! And the rest of your organizing makes it so easy to see what you have...a place for everything and everything in its place. Thanks for the tour and great ideas! Enjoy your "new" space!


Inspiring and practical! I am tired of organization videos that aren’t practical but focus on looks! One trick another channel taught me was to create a project tray or clear bag, I gather supplies and the items in one holder! Makes it easy to put it aside, return to it after a break, then after done return supplies to designated locations! My daughter absolutely loves your channel (not a particularly crafty person usually) Blessed and organized days!


Now that’s a STASH !! Thanks for sharing your space with us all 😊


Sherry, It looks amazing. You are such a "Bee" Visual, Micro organizer. (Clutterbug Organizing). You are spot on for someone like you. Enjoy your new table. What a lovely gift.


Your craft room is gorgeous. Don't know what more I can say. But it is beautiful.


I love your new improved craft room ! And what about that husband of yours !!! Wow!! Now that's a man who knows his wife well !!! Enjoy your new space !!!


My only extra hint would be to make your lettering larger, otherwise you will still be squinting at every little sign:) I make mine really large, even on tiny nut and bolt drawers...Lot of useful hints in your video, thank you.


Wow, what a gift! Tell your husband someone is singing his praises. You’ve both done a great job! I have no doubt that he is proud of his talented wife and wants the best for you.
Oh, yes, and the carpenters are fantastic!!!


Wow Sherry 😳 I thought I had a lot of things for crafting but after seeing this I realized I was wrong 🤣 you have everything organized beautifully though! I wish I had the space to spread all my things out like this ❤