What is implantation spotting? What are the symptoms of implantation bleeding?

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Nurse Heather discusses the signs of implantation while in your two week wait to take a pregnancy test. You may ask yourself "Is this implantation bleeding?" or Is this implantation bleeding or period? #shorts #implantationbleeding #fertility #ttc #shorts #implantationbleedingsymptoms

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I think I am a few days before my actual period a week before or I can say like a few days, I was feeling small cramping. Then all of a sudden I started spotting with small tiny clots I have had all the symptoms.


3 weeks ago i had light spotting bright red blood for a few hours over 2 days. Nothing at all since. I thought it was a early period but my periods are always heavy and last 3 weeks at a time.

Now i have cramping , nausea, heartburn ; bloating and 5 negative tests. When i was pregnant before i never had a postive until 16 teats later . Should i ask my gp for a blood test?


I'm having light bleeding before periods. In how many days i should check for pregnancy test?


I have a question my period is due till 4 days from now and me and my partner are trying for a baby this morning I notice I have a little of a bright red bleeding and it's not soaking the pad and I'm not having any pain like how my period normally be and when I have my period I have a lot of pain


My friend has had a dark brown-black discharge that is rather thick and she believes it has clots. Could this be implantation bleeding or could it be ovulation bleeding as she starts ovulating soon?


Can it be dark brown on the pad and pink when i wipe


I got my period last night and it was a significant amount of blood. Today, its very light, when it usually lasts 3-4 days & im cramping a lot. Could that be implantation bleeding or just my period?


I had sex 2 months ago, a month after sex I had a very heavy blood clot bleeding! And it lasted 5 days! I have no pregnancy symptoms at all! Do you think that is my period?


I literally spotted a baby drop of pink blood a few days before my actual period and now im 3days late of my period when should i test


Hey i got period on january 2nd and jan 29th i got pain similar to my menstrual pain, i was sure i am getting period for that day but at night there was like a tiny spot blood discharge i seen when i piss and now still 31'st i didnt got my period or anything. Pls say about it
We also had sex on 20th january, it was safe i guess, do u think it could be implantation bleeding or my ovulation occuring 🙂


I had spotting for about 6 hrs on 5dpo. Could that be implantation spotting ? My hpt are still negative at 10dpo 😞


Um- I have a question. I dont even have a bf or had sex but why do i have spotting well i dont know if this is spotting but the one the yesterday there weren't even many blood and it couldn't even fill a panty liner but the today i started having cramps but the blood is still small tho it can fill the panty liner now.


Ive had very light bleeding for 5 days now started 7dpo. it’s rusty red/ brown. It is normal to last this long? Literally only comes out when I push to 💩 😅 my period isn’t due for another 6 days, I have little to no cramping.


Omg I’m panicking I’ve had unprotected sex and I don’t want to be pregnant I’m only 22 I’m soooo scared my periods are always regular but I’m having spotting and it’s a light pink colour and I have tender breasts my mood is all over the place I’m having headaches I’m hoping and praying I will start my period I’m due tomorrow but I’ve never ever spotted before my period I’m so scared I hope I’m not pregnant. Can I take a pregnancy test now? It is it too soon will it detect anything? And then if my period doesn’t start I’ll take it again?


I have a question. My period was meant to come today but instead I have some light bleeding accompanied by some small amount of uterine shedding and painful cramp. I’m not sure if it’s my period or implantation bleeding. My husband and I have been ttc and hoping this our month but now I’m not sure what’s happening with my body


I have a question my period is due till 4 days from now and me and my partner are trying for a baby this morning I notice I have a little of a bright red bleeding and it's not fully soaking the pad and I'm not having any pain like how my period normally be and when I have my period I have a lot of pain
