The BEST Character Of Each Element | Genshin Impact

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Back with another "ranking" video! This time we'll be looking at the current strongest/best character of each element (as of Version 3.5/3.6)

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#Genshin #Element #GenshinImpact
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They really need to allow venti to pull largers enemies like ruin guards, not where the float but are pulled to the center. I mean he threw mountains to form the archipelago.


Technically Nahida shares 25% of the EM of whoever has the highest EM in the party, not her own. In my case, she shares Shinobu's EM.


it's interesting (but not surprising) that most of the 'best characters' are supports rather than the top strongest DPSes


Picking cryo is hard for me. Ganyu is definitely the best all around character, Ayaka is definitely the best damage dealer, Shenhe is the best amplifier, and Diona is the most universal for team building. It feels like cryo is still missing that “staple” character that all the other elements seem to have.


As someone who uses the Geo Boys on every abyss reset, I still agree that Zhongli is better than Itto, like yeah. Itto can do TONS of dmg, but you need a lot of stuff for him to do that. So if you invest in him and his team, sure. However Zhongli just needs HP. That's it.


This is really bizarre. On one hand, you say that Yelan and Xingqiu are a tossup because Yelan does more damage despite Xingqiu being far more universal than her, plus you factored in her constellations. On the other hand however, you say that Fischl is better than Raiden because she is more universal and benefits more from Dendro despite the fact that Raiden at c2 is significantly stronger than Fischl is, on top of some of her strong hyperbloom/quickbloom teams. Fischl is only really strong in aggravate with electro dps characters that have high electro application that abuses her a4 passive, but in everything else she is either replaceable (spread teams that can't abuse her a4 passive) or worse (hyperbloom/quickbloom teams where consistent AoE electro application matters more).

If you are basing this on what character represents their respective element best that's fine, but if that's the case then Xingqiu is undeniably the best hydro character.


Yun Jin has got to be one of the most helpful constellation group in Genshin. 4 out of 6 cons really enhances her main job of buffing. C2 buffs ally atk, C4 buffs her def which will add more atk buffs with her Elemental skill, C5 buffs her elemental skill so more numbers to her buffs, C6 increases ally attack speed which is also a buff.

P.S. I'm not saying she's better than Zhongli lmao


Another massive point of comparison between Raiden and Fischl that seems often overlooked is that Raiden's E cannot target shielded enemies, whereas Oz can with no problem. Before Dendro, and with bad luck pulling Cryo units, this was a make-or-break difference facing Hydro Heralds.


I’m very interested in what they’re going to do with Focalors’ kit, since we already have two of the best sub dps as hydro perhaps they will go with a more main DPS approach ( maybe really good for forward vape teams or smth like that ). Although that’s not really what hydro is known for, maybe she’ll have some interesting mechanics.


Sucrose also needs an honorable mention in Anemo.


Fischl choice was based. She really encapulates electro in all ways. Talents and cons of her just go above and beyond on making her deal a constant barrage of electro damage


My take...

Best unit: Kazuha
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Kazuha

Best unit: Zhongli
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Gorou

Best unit: Raiden Shogun
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Fischl

Best unit: Nahida
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Nahida

Best unit: either Xingqiu or Yelan
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Xingqiu

Best unit: Bennett
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Hu Tao or Xiangling

Best unit: Ayaka
Best exemplifies the strengths of the element: Ganyu


I kinda forgot fischl was a good electro unit. I've been playing her as physicsl for such a long time. I haven't really used her other abilities much.


There are a lot of ways you can define the best. Hydro as a whole may be dominated by the XQ and Yelan but I can say in other specific ways Childe, Kokomo, and Ayato are the best and happily argue why and in what way for hours. Electro possibly even more so especially these days.
We have some balancing problems at times but for characters who aren't struggling there is a lot of good choice. That's something I rather admire about this game especially as older gamer who remembers countless titles where the power gap because of a tiny few alienated the entire cast in many older games.


I can already guess
Zhongli from Geo
Raiden from Electro
Nahida from Dendro
Kazuha from Anemo
Bennett from Pyro
Xingqiu/Yelan from Hydro
Ayaka/Ganyu from Cryo


If crystalise were to be buffed to be actually useful in its own niche (providing shielding), Albedo could be great imo. Providing Elemental Mastery on his burst makes me think that this was supposed to be the case in the first place.


As someone who has c6 Fischl and c0 Raiden, I fully support your placement decision. Amount of electro dmg and applications that Fischl can do in a moment is just unachievable by anyone else. And while Raiden can do dmg by herself and used in some reactions, every time I'm looking for someone to be a part of electro for reactions there's only one answer: Fischl.


I have one more point to be adding to the whole Raiden vs Fischl, Raiden actually has an advantage of generating flat energy (same amount for every element, her flat energy heavily competes with batteries of a particular element i.e. Diona for Cryo, etc) rather than only electro particles generated by Fischl, that somewhere makes her a better overall battery, even when considering an electro battery, Raiden can be better somewhat (even more energy through electro particles from her E), especially since off field characters take lesser particles that will happen with Fischl meanwhile Raiden's will be the same whether they are on field or off field


Raiden over fischl for me, her skill has no downtime + burst energy CD for all party members is big


8:32 that timing of the music and Kokomi's Burst was sick...
Edit: also that transition at 10:07 with Zhongli (again...with the music) was cool as well. Amazing editing there Vars !!!
