What is the sign of Jonah? | GotQuestions.org

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What is the sign of Jonah, and what does Matthew 12:39 mean? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “What is the sign of Jonah?”

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By: Stephen J. Wellum, John S. Feinberg

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3 days and 3 nights and alive, that's miraculous


3 days 3 nights in Jerusalem preaching before He was the heart of the land aka


The US Solar eclipses crosses over 8 cities named Nineveh in the USA


That's not right. Yashuah crucified on Wednesday Nisson 14. And he resurrected at sunset of Saturday, as soon as weekly Shabbath is over which is Sunday as per Hebrew reckoning.


Jonah came preaching to Ninevah, "Yet 40 days Ninevah shall be destroyed" Ninevah repented....Jesus came to Jerusalem preaching...."Jerusalem will be thrown down if they didnt repent...Jerusalem was thrown down the final time in ad 70....


3 nights seemed to be problematic. Friday night, Saturday night, but not Sunday night. 3 days 2 nights.
What am I missing?


I think the sign has to do with the eclipse that happened just before Nineveh repented. Remember before Jonah got there a single angel killed 185, 000 of their Troops stationed around Jerusalem. They had to turn tale and run home.


I always thought the sign of Jonah was in the disobedience of a mortal prophet given an immortal command …
Awake arise from mortal understanding brothers and sisters…


What IS the Sign of Jonah? I agree with your biblical answer of Jesus being crucified dead, entombed and resurrected for 3 inclusive partial days and nights is the Meaning of the Sign of Jonah.

But the priests wanted proof of a miraculous Sign they could physically See that Jesus was the Son of God.
Then later the Jewish powers like much of the world today denied and did not believe the resurrection happened.

The Problem with just believing in God and Jesus and the resurrection, and understanding the Meaning of the SIGN of JONAH is, that does not actually prove that They exist, the resurrection happened, or tell us "What the Sign of Jonah IS."

2000 years ago Jesus said we would have a Sign of something greater than the Temple, Solomon or Jonah.

and "Destroy this Temple, and I will Rebuild it in 3 days."

Matthew 12:38-41,
38 Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” 39 But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a SIGN, but no SIGN will be given to it
EXCEPT the SIGN of the prophet Jonah. 40 For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, So will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth. 41 The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and BEHOLD, something greater than Jonah is here.

Imo, God left the world the answer to these proofs, and a physical SIGN of What the Sign of Jonah IS. He left it on the miraculous Image the world can SEE of His crucified dead and resurrected Son on His Shroud.

The miraculous and Holy SHROUD of JESUS CHRIST, (Not Turin), was made directly by the Hand of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, and IT IS the Sign of Jonah.

The SHROUD of JESUS CHRIST is positively THE Most Holy Perfect Miraculous PROOF and Authentic Thing in the Universe! PERIOD! THE 2000 year old SHROUD was the First Atomic Selfie Photograph and Perfect Image of the Levitated and Resurrected Jesus Christ, left on His 14 foot negative holographic 3D burial cloth image soaked and sealed with His precious blood.

What does IT PROVE?

The existence of GOD JESUS and THE HOLY SPIRIT, WE ARE SAVED, The Resurrection happened, John 3:16 THE GOSPEL, and the Word of God can be Believed.


Satan wants the world to Shroud the SHROUD OF JESUS CHRIST, hide it and Keep THE WORLD’S GREATEST SECRET a SECRET! How? By calling it what it ain’t (The Shroud of Turin).


May 18 the that all we have left repent don't turn back


Shroud of Turin?
Before you nay say, please look into it. I used to think it was fake.


Sometimes the "sign" is a "miracle" & the Aramaic word A-THA means: "SIGN (miracle, example [Num. 26:10], description, banner, etc.)." Yeshua said that: *... an evil & adulterous GENERATION (race) seeks a SIGN (miracle) & a SIGN (miracle) shall not be given it except the [same] SIGN (miracle) of Yonah the Prophet (Matt. 12:39).* Yonah died in the INTESTINES (belly) of the LARGE FISH [whale] (Yonah 2:1-2). He was resurrected when the whale vomitted him out after 3 days & 3 nights (Yonah 1:17; 2:10). He even had some sea-weed wrapped around his head like a crown (Yonah 2:5 [6]). The MIRACLE of his survival or death & resurrection was a SIGN to the NINVITES (Ninevites). Since God often operates in the same manner, Yeshua's crucifixion, death & resurrection would be a SIGN to the Pharisees & the world.


I have made a video of where Jesus was for exactly 3 days and 3 nights


In Luke 11 Jesus says that the Sign of Jonah is his ministry. In Mark 8 Jesus says that no sign from heaven would be given to first century Israel. The sign of Jonah is supposed to be for a generation, which when applied to first century Israel would have meant most of the adult population of that country. Jesus' resurrection does not fit into any of those ideas and was actually witnessed by fewer that 1000 people. Jesus' resurrection cannot be the sign of Jonah because it was not witnessed by any generation. If that problem is ignored, then Jesus' resurrection cannot be the Signof Jonah because Jesus said that no sign from Heaven would be given to Israel. Finally, Jesus said that the sign of Jonah as his ministry was the ONLY sign that first century Israel would receive.
Something is missing in Pastor Nelson's theology here.


What about Luke 11 where Jesus defines the Sign of Jonah as his ministry?
What about Mark 8 where Jesus says that no sign [from heaven] will be given to this generation?
What about 1 Corinthians where St. Paul says that only about 500 people actually witnessed Jesus in his resurrected body? That's not a "generation."
In Matthew 12 Jesus defines the sign of Jonah by way of a prediction that his dead body will be buried for less than 72 hours. That is not a prediction of resurrection.
When Jesus actually did predict his resurrection (John 2:18-20), he did not call that event the "Sign of Jonah."
In short, Jesus' resurrection is NOT the Sign of Jonah. Too many contradictions and no clear statement of that idea.


1 day... 2 days...3 days! Sounds like he completely explained the 3 days and 3 nights. Got any more questions?


Jews recognize the sun down as being end of a day. God made the sun go dark after Jesus death so that would be day one.


The truth is it’s gonna be the three days of darkness as Jonah spent three days in the belly after that you will have 40 days to repent


It’s unfortunate that an ad about trump accompanies this presentation.


When Jesus talks about his return in Luke 11:29-31, he references the sign of Jonah.
I know that means a sh¥t ton of water/flooding/deluge.
But it is also talking about Jonah himself, being the unwilling prophet.
Jonah tried to say f-k them people, doing everything he could to not tell them.
Even when he goes back, he says the least amount possible.

In Luke 11:29-31, Jesus tells people it’s a wicked generation and they want a sign, but they’ll get none other than the sign of Jonah.
You see, Jesus already came here trying to warn everybody that they were trapped in hell, the devil is out there pretending he is god & that they are all related and they were tricked into committing inc€st (just like Adam and Eve, who were genetic brother and sister thanks to the DNA inside that rib bone).
But they hated what he said so they murdered him and covered up the truth……
Let those religious people tell it and they repeat Caiaphas’s lies saying Jesus roamed this planet for over 30 years, but only came here to die for their sins, not to tell them anything important and surely not to show them the only way out of hell.

My point, is that people do not listen. Jesus already came here trying to warn them and they didn’t LISTEN and when he returns, there’s no point in trying to tell them what he has already told them because they hated it then and they hate it now.
When he returns, he’s coming back to tell them exactly what they did and the consequences of their choices. Jesus is going to be just as willing as Jonah was because jesus already tried to tell them and look what they did.

I see what jesus meant. Luke 11:31. SSDD.
