Line 6 POD Go - Sound Demo (no talking)

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Here´s a sound demo of the Line 6 POD Go with many sounds and settings.
Soundfiles/Video: Thomas Dill

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God save the people who make no talking demo videos


I cannot properly express how much I love the sound of everything I heard. Just, wow!


FINALLY, what we're really asking for. A proper demo.


Best Pod Go demo I've seen so far!


Great demo man. Just the sounds, no bullshit 👏


Your playing is what’s really selling this pedal!


I was waiting for this, for such a long time! Loved the demo.


I’ve been going back and forth between this and the HXFX for my next purchase. I don’t need amp modeling or IRs but I love the expression pedal and most of the options on this unit. The real killer for me is that it doesn’t have a control 1/2 input to do the amp channel switching. Aside from that, it appears to be a great unit for the price. I used to own and gig with a Pod XT Live and record with the original Pod… both were great units and did the job… the Pod has come a long way since then


This is a little long but if you're on the fence about modeling this could be a worthwhile read.

I bought one of these for late night practicing through headphones and the occasional fly gig/jam. It sounds so good to me that it has become my main rig, but there’s an important catch- I bypass the cab sims and put it straight into the fx loop return of my Bad Cat Cub 15R because, let’s face it, FRFR systems cannot recreate the “amp in a room” sound.

Although I’m not about to part with my Eventide H9, the effects on board are good to excellent. I’m still pretty floored by how uniformly great this setup sounds. Just so you don’t think I’m some easily impressed noob, I’ve been playing since the early 80’s and own or have owned great amps by the likes of Mesa (at least 6), Carr, Friedman, Budda, Fender CS, Orange, Rivera, Revv, and so-on. I’ve had my favorites from these brands and I can really say that the Pod Go into my Bad Cat’s fx loop return puts as big a smile on my face as any of the above amps.

Maybe I just got lucky and the Bad Cat just happens to “like” the Pod Go and it’s a great combination just by chance? Eventually I’ll pull out other amps to find out. I also think it’s important to mention that in my experience it doesn’t sound good into the front of an amp which makes sense given that you’re putting a modeled preamp into a real preamp in this scenario.

Modeling has really come of age IMHO. If you’re tired of lugging a big rig around and you’re intrigued by modeling but don’t like the FRFR experience you should consider this kind of setup. You may be very surprised. Oh yeah, the day after I bought this I got an email from Fractal as I'd been on their waiting list for the past 6 months for a FM3. With all the confidence that I was making the right choice and zero regret to date, I told them I was going to pass. YMMV


Now I really can't wait til mine shows up.


These are nice sounds, might be the best I have heard from all the reviews for Pod Go so far. Edited I imagine? either way I think I am sold on this unit. Does everything I would need it to. Nice review!


Such a good video this was so simple and efectivr


Great demo! Are you using the same guitar for all these tones?


Are these the stock sounds or did you tweak them? Sounds good to me.


what are the guitar and pickups used in this video? Great demo!!!


I own this and I'm only beginning to get into the multiple tones I can get out of this.


This is the kind of demo required. I don’t understand why people start being instruction manual of products in their demo 😂.


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Clean sounds are pretty cool to my listening, perhaps the distortion sounds digital. Sometimes, this is good for Hard Rock and Metal, but for classic and modern rock, is a little bit frustrating imo.


I was considering downgrading from the FM3 to the Pod Go but hearing this I’m not so sure anymore. This is a great unit for it’s price but clearly not on the same level as the FM3 soundwise.
