Quantum Theory Made Easy [1]

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“Quantum Theory Made Easy,” a series in which the concepts of quantum physics are broken down for layaudiences in a more digestable manner. More in-depth than most presentations for laypersons, but without the mathematical rigour needed by a specialist in the field.
So, you've heard that light is a wave/particle. Now you get to find out how we know this!
In this episode, we’ll be discussing the dual nature of light, starting with a brief overview of how light was determined to be an electromagnetic wave and what properties light was classically associated with. From there, we’ll present the results of Planck’s blackbody experiments and introduce the concept of quantization, which was how this whole quantum mess was started in the first place. After explaining how the quantum of action (h) works, we’ll move on to how it showed up in experiments that challenged the wave picture of light, and how Einstein, bremsstrahlung, and Compton, made it clear that light can behave like a particle.
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Now being 34...I really wish I could go back and take physics in high school/university. Hated the physics at the time and didn’t seem how it was important. but man does it fascinate me now


Thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I understand that it’s extremely dense (electromagnetism was summarized in five minutes) so you may need to watch it a couple of times in order for the contents to stick. Because so much background information needed to be covered in a relatively short amount of time, this episode will probably be more dense than all of the future ones, so just be patient with it and feel free to ask me to clarify anything that seemed unclear to you.


As a former professor of physics and laser/optical scientist I think this is the clearest, most phenomenal teaching video on this subject that I have ever seen. The visuals and clarity of the narration make it a must-see for all physics classes when they reach this portion of the curriculum. Bravo!


Many heartfelt thanks to everyone that made this video possible. I only hope one day I will have a "moment" of clarity that will lead to a deeper understanding of this.


As a Physics student myself, I say bravo! You're the kind of people who make Youtube a better place :D


Thank you for properly introducing the world of Quantum Mechanics to me. I've got a BS in Math and I did well in my Classical Physics with Calculus classes I took while I was in college, but I never found the time in my class schedule to delve any deeper in the subject despite having a desire to do so. Once I got out of college, I have tried, on a couple of occasions, to return to the subject and, develop a basic understanding of modern physics so that I could, at least, be scientifically literate on the subject. Your videos are by far the best resource I have come across in my pursuit of this goal. I just want to say thank you for making this wonderful series of videos.


Billions of $$'s spent on public education, and I've learned 90% of what I know through videos like this. WHY???!!


Im a first year physics student and I used to watch these videos before I was in college and never fully understood it. We actually covered this material in the last part of the course and now I understand almost of all of this. Minus the calculus. I take calculus 1 this spring. But I was beginning to lose motivation and actually having 2nd guesses and wondering what I was doing with my life. Until I watched this video a year later and I understand!! Which reignited my love for physics!!! I love physics so much.


Dance like a butterfly, sting like bee. Oh, I mean, move like a wave, interact like a particle.


I learned tons from this video. I believe it's because you have serious ability to explain in a story line while touching the deeper concepts without losing focus on the lay mind. This was simply excellent and I'm off to part 2. Thank you for opening up quantum theory more for me.


King Crocoduck: "let's make quantum theory understandable"

Deepak Choopra: "pls no"


You just explained the first 5 chapters of my modern physics textbook. Very good explanation and visualization. Thank you!


This is really well presented. The weirder quantum discoveries get, the more satisfying and beautiful it all seems. Love the odour analogy


YES!, This is what I've been looking for, a narrator that isn't computerized...
Thanks :)


Best simplistic, intuitive, comprehensive, step-by-step in visual and mathematical terms...lesson on early physics and quantum physics I've seen or read about in my lifetime (withstanding many books and countless videos). Kudos and thanks.


Well Done ! Excellent Video !! I like how you begin your explanations with descriptions of the original experiments and follow the thought process of the physicists ( and not just out of the blue give a formula and call it good)....


This video delivers what it states. Excellent introduction to modern physics.


Holy crap! Why couldn't have have found this *before* starting my Master's thesis.


This is the best explanation of QM and the ever important history of its development that is so often neglected in "traditional schooling" that i have ever seen. Thank you so much for this excellent production!


9:35 lol pic of plank planking killed me xD
