Paper 1 Question 5: Two Grade 9 Answers

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If anyone thinks they might need this:
25 Language Devices: Defined & Explained!
1. Pathetic Fallacy
Is when the weather or the atmosphere describes the mood.
For example, when the weather is rainy people are sad and depressed
2nd example, the dark night could symbolise something supernatural like 3AM Satan etc…
2. Personification
Is when a non-human is given human qualities.
For example, the tree is waving to John as drives away.
3. Simile
When you are comparing two things using ‘like’ or ‘as’
For example, his facial vision looked like a falcon’s eye
4. Metaphor
Is when you are comparing two things with is or are
Example He is an orc
5. Extended Metaphor
Pick a metaphor and explain how --- > turn in to an extended metaphor
Metaphor --- > Life is a rollercoaster. Now turning into extended metaphor add explanation so, Life is a rollercoaster you don’t know when you will be at the top or at the bottom, it will all happen in an instance, at the greatest heights you will be at the greatest heights and at times it will crash, but every day is never the same, just like in a turn in a Rolle coaster is never the same.
6. Oxymoron
2 opposite words side-by-side
Example, the small giant
7. Juxtaposition
You explain an oxymoron.
The small giant tip-toing trying to reach the top shelf, however, his small arms and puny fingers prevented him from grabbing the bar of jam.
8. Symbolism
Is when objects represent a meaning.
For example, moon and the star represent Islam.
2nd Example, if you get a priest you will think someone died.
In Macbeth the dagger links to death.
9. Semantic field
Is where words are linked to an idea.
For example, PPE, 2m and Hand Sanitiser, Head of Year link to COVID.
10. Irony
Is when events in the text surprises the characters. Something not expected!
Mr Birling offering a 1000.
Scrooge changing his nature.
11. Rhetorical Question
Question does not require an answer
12. Hyperbole
Is when you hype, when over-exaggerating.
I am going to eat the whole restaurant.
13. Assonance
Is the repetition of the vowel sound.
I am too cool for school.
14. Alliteration
Words in a row begin with the same letter.
15. Sibilance
Is when words in a row have the s letter or the s sound
Example: the snake was slowly hissing
16. Euphemism
Is when you say something in an indirect manner.
He is not with us anymore.
17. Emotive Language
Is when the writer makes the reader feel emotional. By making them angry.
18. Onomatopoeia
Words describe the sound
Boom bang skirr pop
19. Ruel of 3 / Power of 3 / Triplets
Words or phrases in a row describe something (3)
The table is black, hard and wide
20. Facts/ Stats
Uses evidence to support their facts.
50 % of the students prefer using email rather than social media .
21. Plosive
Reptation of harsh sound
Words such as 'P' 'D' 'B'
22. Zoomorphism
Is when you give a person animal features.
Example John barked at me / John shouted at me.
23. Opinion
24. Repetition
Language Device and Structure.
Is when the writer uses the words repletely to create an effect.
Where is being repeated and why is that important
25. Noun, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs

Flashback - when you go back in time, 3 days ago etc..
Foreshadowing - when the writer gives clue about future ‘my heart was beating fast’
Zoom in - focus on one thing for example ‘pen’, ‘specific character ‘
Zoom out - normally used to talk about setting
Dialogue - when the character speak ‘hey there !’
New character
New setting
Change in tone
Short sentence - to build up tense
Long sentence - add details and slow down the narrative
Short /long sentence - may show importance in both
Shift in focus - talks about object then talks about another object for example ‘pen’ to ‘table’
Cyclical structure - similar stuff happening with beginning and ending
Extended metaphor
Overall tone
Chronogical order
Mood, pathetic fallacy


Last school year, (couple months ago) I did this question and got 32/40. In the overall Language paper 1 - I got a 9 and I forfeited question 3 to get full marks for 4 aswell! Hopefully this time, I do a little bit better.


I've failed all my exams so far and I feel so dumb as my friends have smashed them so im praying this is a good exam. Anyone else doing it in 2024 good luck


youve actually helped me so much i wish you could be my actual teacher in class


Watching this before my mocks! Thank you so much for your great help.


Bro, the second example is literally the lorax.


My exams is today, thanks. You just saved my grades


Sir, can you please do this for paper 2 question 5. I have the final exam on Monday, and this kind of video will be really useful. Thank you


Sir please do a video on how to plan a article plot for paper 2 question 5 best way to get a grade 9 please that will be beneficial 🙂🙏🙏👍


the second one sounds like the Lorax lol


Got the resit tomorrow. Good luck to me and others doing ittt



sir can you make a video on how to write a letter, newspaper and a blog for specifically paper 2 question 5. please?


My teacher told me its easier doing descriptive writing instead of story writing is that true?


can u do PRTEZEL pgraph for lang and lit example
ive tried it sometimes it gets repetitive but overall WAY better than the PETAL format i used b4


Can you please release a paper 2 English. I have a test for tomorrow. Please. Your sick at these. I smashed paper 1 because of you.


Is there anything stopping us from copying this? Is AQA really going to try and find out if we did?


Sir please do a video on paper 2 question 5 planning for question article for a grade 9 that will be useful and beneficial for me 🙂 because I got this on my mock please 🙂🙏🙏👍👏👏


Sir i dont know why but you sound completely shattered today lol


Hey guys my imagination is not great and im so bad at coming up with any thing my mind just goes blank when im presented with the image is there anything i can do from now to improve my creativeness..
