Revise Paper 1 AQA Language Mr Salles

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0:00 Introduction
0:24 Overview
1:31 Question 1
3:11 Question 2
9:19 Question 3
16:09 Question 4
21:58 Question 5

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Going to try and summarise this video:

Do not spend 15 mins just reading, you dont get any marks and you probably won't remember much info anyway, get straight into answering the Qs

Q1: directly quote from the text, answers can be very short eg: 'The jungle was high', 'There was a dinosaur' would be fine
Best not to infer - you could infer incorrectly

Q2: if you don't know how to write about sentence forms, ignore that bullet point.
Embed a quote, state the language device and explain what you can infer from it/effect on the reader (purpose of author).
Example: The writer describes the dinosaur's legs as "oiled, resilient, striding", the use of the adjective 'oiled', which is also a metaphor to suggest its robotic like, ruthless movement which also conveys its strength.
There will probably be a metaphor/simile, alliteration, personification, think back to SOAPAIMS etc

Q3: paragraphs are a change in focus - use of diff. sentences convey diff. stuff
Short sentences - dramatic impact
'It sees us!' - conveys danger of dinosaur, makes us wonder what this creature is
Long paragraphs - show size, power, strength, complexity, detail etc of stuff
Large paragraph describing dinosaur in this case shows the strength, power and how deadly the dinosaur is.
There can be a change in how things are portrayed throughout the text - the dino is scary and terrifying at first, but is given more human like qualities eg 'jeweller's hands'
Write about impact of both beginning and end

Q4: it is better to agree and disagree as it shows evaluation, you can mostly agree and only slightly disagree or the other way round.

Can write about any part of the statement: 'Eckels was right to panic' - was he panicking? Should he have panicked or should he have thought rationally? Considering the strength of the dinosaur, was what he did normal etc
Highly recommend to watch more videos on Q4 as it is worth 20 marks


I learnt more in this video than I have at my whole time at school lol, exam Tommorow, thank you Mister Salles and may Allah guide and forgive and reward you


hopefully the aqa people are in a good mood this year😂


I did my language paper 1 mock in November and used your videos to help. My target is a 6 but I got my mock results back today and got a 9 thank you for the tips!!!


Whos here in 2024. I muself am cooked. Exams next week and i am really struggling to find the motivation. I know this gcse is 'helpful' for jobs but most of it is useless in my opinion


Ladies and gentlemen, who’s ✨not ready ✨for the exam ? 🙌me🙌


i think its kinda stupid how we have a limited amount of time on each question... if i could work at my own pace then i could write a decent answer! sometimes it feels more like im being tested on how fast i can write rather than my ability to write a detailed analysis :/ nice video btw, very helpful


Exam tomorrow whos ready? im not really ready


hey man, just saying i learnt more from you in 1 day than i have in my whole time in year 11. thank you so much


My son is sitting his school's version of this tomorrow. Good luck to anyone that is in year 11 this year!


I’m a grade 7 English language student and I don’t think I’ve ever got over half marks on structure. I always accidentally comment on language.


Thank you Sir, for helping me so much for this exam. I was resiting Language paper in October/November and with your help I managed to get a 6, which is amazing! My previous grade was a high 4, so it was a major jump fro me. Again, thank you!


Watching this the night before and just want to say thank you Sir for a massive boost in my confidence. I feel so much more ready after watching this.


My old teacher was so good at teaching, my new teachers not so much... Wasnt confident in my exam tomorrow but this video has definitely boosted my confidence. Thank you.


Anyone else retaking it tomorrow even though they passed but just want to get a higher mark? 🤣


Nice one mate, resit tmrw is looking to ruin my year


Watching this video I feel less stress for tomorrow . 23/05/2024.


thank you sir. i got grade 6 in my gcse english exam i just totality forced on Q4


Who get their reuslts my man bumped me from a 4 to a 6


good luck to everyone doing the paper tomorrow!
