20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World Forever

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Top 20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World. Technology is changing faster than ever before, and the future has never looked brighter. In a world where innovation is the name of the game, we're about to experience a seismic upheaval in how we interact with our surroundings. From artificial intelligence to biotechnology, a slew of developing technologies is set to transform every part of human existence. Prepare to embrace the future as we explore "twenty Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World."


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20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change The World

20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

20 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World
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Artificial Intelligent narration sucks. Having a human narrator who knows what he is talking about would be far superior to this AI.


Using A.I. voices for narration still have quite a ways to go yet, as I have noticed so many pronunciation errors that a human professional voiceover artist would not make.


I'm hoping that future AI 'content readers' that read English can PRONOUNCE the words correctly! This 'bot reader botches the language.


Too bad the narrators can't pronounce common English language words.


Artificial Intelligent naration sucks. This content creator just earned a spot on my DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS CHANNEL LIST


Cow dung doesn't need to be made into fertilizer. It already is. It's been used for centuries straight from the cow. You can cut out the middle man, just stand up wind.


Oh ya they robbed the people of California for this train and never finished it.


Nikola Tesla built a tower to send electricity over long distances.


Perhaps we should take note of how 'bots mangle the English language in audio tracks before entrusting our lives to a 'bot that wants us to hop -in and enjoy the ride on a freeway


No way in hel am I going to let a computer have control of my car.


I hope somewhere along the way there is a cure for


Do you know how impossible it is to make thousands of miles of tubes hold a vacuum. My prediction is hyperloops won't happen for 100 years or more.


As far back as the early 1970's- as depicted and outlined in the 1972 issue (I believe) of the annual ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA YEARBOOKS OF SCIENCE AND THE FUTURE (books that I devoured from cover to cover as a child)- there were plans for what was called the Planetran. It was a very high-speed underground maglev bullet train that would have traveled through an evacuated tube- basically the ancestor of the HyperLink. Had the rather monumental engineering challenges been conquered and the project been seen through to fruition, one of the Planetran routes would have gone from New York City to Los Angeles in 54 minutes!

The Sub Shuttle, a somewhat scaled down version of this concept, was featured in two of Gene Roddenberry's pilots, GENESIS II (1973) and PLANET EARTH (1974).


It's amazing what they're doing at the University's over in China, what with them not trying to teach crt, politics, sexuality, pronouns and not worrying about which bathroom do you use, you use the one you're born to. Totally amazing.


If this AI narrator is any indication of the advancement of AI...I sure as hell do not want it driving or piloting anything I am in if it can not read and pronounce language!


#6 Artificial intelligence cracked me up when it said “developing computer systems capable of performing tasks traditionally requiring human intelligence such as understanding natural language”!! Guess this AI hasn’t been able to grasp the pronunciation of the English language yet!! 😂😂😂


On graphene. It was initially reported that it was a filter like no other for water. It was said that graphene allows H2O though it leaving behind all contaminates, resulting in a perfectly clear and clean water. The possibilities for 3rd world countries with water issues would no longer have issues. Even in the states, cycling water for showers, bath tubs and washers and dishwashers, water shortages should become a thing of the past. I worked for 2 of the largest walk-in tub companies, one of which I led the R&D team among other duties. After speaking to one of the original discoverers, I immediately saw the future considering each bath in those tubs could use upwards of 55 gallons. Cycling the same water would surely have it's limits on cycles but it would make a huge impact. It had been about 5 years ago and keeping in touch with the discoverer I had met ended shortly after with a hint that the testing would be on hold as the military did additional research. I thought for sure we'd nver hear about it again.


@YouTube, you should indicate which video is AI-created/supported.
I support real creative humans who actually make/spend time and effort in what they are doing.
BTW, videos like these will be soon seen as SPAM.


Extremely painful to listen to the narrator obliterate words.


Your script reader is having a stroke...or is trained on the pronunciation prowess of a 4 year old.
