100% Accurate Dating Instructions (Flow Chart) | Michael Knowles

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I was dating a "dancer", bar hopping, and trying to date. Was never happy. I converted to Catholicism, dropped my bad habits, maintained an interest in camping and motorcycles (and motorcycle repair in turn). I met a girl 1 year later, 2 years later we married, 2 years after that I am now a father to a baby girl. Happiest Ive ever been in my life. I agree with this video.


I recently heard a pastor say something like this. “Use your single years to work on your flaws, because any flaws you have will only be magnified in marriage. They will not magically disappear.” So I wrote a list of my flaws and have been working on them! It helps me grow in the Lord, even if I don’t find a husband any time soon.


As a young Christian woman, my biggest advice for guys who want a good and virtuous wife is to put away the porn and unfollow the instagram models. Those are the exact opposite of the type of women you want to attract.


I watched this video expecting a joke and then experienced the pleasant surprise of solid, "common sense" dare I say, advice.


As a woman, I care much more about character than looks. Also, part of that is how a man carries himself and how much effort he puts into his appearance. We cannot control what God gave us, but we can control how we dress, if we comb our hair, keep up with hygiene…these things, on first glance, tell me a lot about a man. I care about a guy’s relationship with God, how he treats his friends and family, if we can have a nice conversation, how self controlled he is. As a Christian, I’ve never dated for sex, but rather for marriage. I’m looking for the kind of man I could be with for life, who I’d have children with, who would provide for us. I’m looking for someone who I could get through the hard times with. Virtue is #1. It makes me sad, because it feels like, oftentimes, all men are looking for is easy sex. I’d rather be celibate and single for the rest of my life, than hook up with a man like that; I’d feel like a prostitute.


It's crazy that all you need is to:
1. be virtuous
2. know a woman
3. politely ask her on a date

If no step 4, repeat 1, 2, and 3.


Truly the dating advice of all time
Seriously though, i love how Michael immediately destroys the looks ranking


I'm on board with this advice! Basically, 1) be a good man and 2) pursue the girl. It's that easy; don't be intimidated by us girls. 😉 Those of us who are sane don't think of ourselves as amazing or unapproachable. Just show us that you like having us around, e.g. perk up and say hi when you walk by. I will say this: most of the time I need to get a sense of the man's character before I'll actually think he's handsome or be attracted. So definitely work on your "virtue": volunteer to help people, work with kids, etc. 🥰


"Start out by Virtuemaxxing."

No context needed, wholeheartedly agree.


I'm a girl but this was valuable advice too, thank you! You're the only Dr. Mike on YT I trust :)


The "practice virtue" part is actually a life advice. Strive for virtue, no matter what you want to achieve, a date, a job, anything, that will always help.


I needed this. I've been considering going to church in search of a woman with similar values, but I wasn't sure if that would be appropriate. I need to work on my virtues, and going to church will help with that as well.


Generally speaking the best dating advice on the internet.
Personally I've been stuck on the "Do you have dating options from within your social circle?" -> No -> "Join social circles that include women you would want to marry." loop for the past twenty years or so. Church hasn't supplied an age appropriate single female since graduating high school.


Nice! This is an awesome chart put together by Michael. The reason I know this? Because over the last few years I have gone from being someone who was embarrassed to even admit I liked a girl to building up the courage to actually show interest and ask a girl out. This video confirmed that what I have been doing the last few years is correct, and even though I'm not in a relationship yet, I know it is achievable. I was homeschooled and had very little options for learning how to start dating in high school, and I was always a little more reserved around people I didn't know well. By working on yourself and your faith (I'm Christian) I've learned how to become more "virtuous", open, and interesting to people. As Michael also pointed out, acquiring knowledge and demonstrating a highly active and learning mind will attract girls that are also virtuous and knowledgeable, even if you are not a "Chad" looking guy. And lastly (I know it's Cliche), don't be afraid of rejection... this point can;'t be hammered home enough. I have already had to deal with it a few times, and it always feels hard, but with the right mindset it becomes nothing. I specifically relate to the "I'm not interested in a relationship right now." Don't get upset. I personally dealt with feelings that I can't attract a girl or that no on likes my personality, but I moved on from that. Just keep moving forward and the right girl will come along. This stuff doesn't always happen like in the movies, it takes time.


This is the wholesome reminder and peptalk I needed in life at the moment. Very glad I saw this. Thank you Dr. Knowles.


Be yourself. Be confident in yourself. Get hobbies. Be a good person. And finally, be patient


Two flaws, 1. People at my church don’t socialize, once the service is over Everyone immediately leaves 2. ‘Everyone throughout history has gotten married, even the homely guys’ the problem is throughout history the homely gals didn’t have access to any man in the entire country through dating apps. We’re being left behind because she can find a slightly older or better looking man two towns over.


Michael is so right on this the only thing you have to make sure is that your other half is putting forth the same effort that’s good for both of you as well cause if it’s only one side pushing and the other doesn’t reciprocate, it will NOT work out


Well, this definitely made me feel way better about myself.


I’m jealous of the fact that my parents had an easier time dating because for me, I gotta worry about if the person I’m interested in is a woman to begin with. Definitely not the only reason I’m struggling to date but a frustrating one.
