NESTED PREFABS IN UNITY 2018! - Beginner's Guide

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Finally Nested Prefabs, Prefab Variants, and the all new Prefab Mode are all available in Unity 2018! We have been looking forward to this for a long time now, and it's now in our hands.


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I have been waiting for nested prefabs forever, this is a game changer! Keep up the great work Sykoo!


Thank you. I am learning Unity 3d trhough a course on Lynda but the Author is using 2017.* version and Im using the 2018.4 version. Prefabs are different in both version. I had to go through the manual but I couldnt understand anything. Finding your video helped me to find out how to create a Prefab. NOW, I want to learn as much as possible about the 3 different types of prefabs so Thank You Very Much. You just gain a new Subscriber


Really nice video. This brings what I love from Unreal into Unity, the Blueprint editor or in this case, Prefab editor. By the way, as someone wanting to get into shaders, and trying to, I would really much appreciate videos where you make a shader in shader graph, then remake the same in hlsl and compare them.

I definitely look forward to a complete version of the new ECS the most. Writing performant code is awesome. But I'm also looking forward to the shader graph as a learning tool to get into hlsl with. These prefab changes are awesome as well, really hyped about Unitys future since the GDC talk!

Love the work, keep it up!


Nice! So insanely detailed and easy to understand. Thank you!


Cool stuff Unity does... This is the reason why I love Unity!


First of congratulations on being part of unity. Have a great career man.

Can you give a tutorial on texture atlasing and other mobile optimization techniques and how to do/achieve those.... Maybe you could bring it up as a series. There are not much useful tutorials on this topic.
If you could help...


I saw your comment on the official unity video so I kinda knew this was comming


1) I love this variant idea but i wish it was implemented a little different.
2) UI wise i would of liked to see variants show in a drop down from the base prefab. Seem it might be easy to forget what is a variant currently without being careful.
3) I would like to of seen Variants being instanced by calling on the base prefab with an added variant ID or index number parameter.
4) ability to change a game object in the scene to one of its variants by changing a property in its inspector or at run time in code.

I particulate like 3 and 4 for use in procedural placements.. you could roll on the index number placing a random variant, sure we can program a way to do this now but it would be nowhere near as elegant.
(Edited for clarity)


Can I override also the appearance / mesh of a variant? Like having inherited actors in unreal engine which share functionality but not appearance?


Very nice! I can see doing this with trees... yeah I am a scenery developer. :D


you leave out most important questions, if we change the child prefab, does it change on all nested? and you did not show what happens when you modify a prefab propertie that is not overriden in a variant, does the variant change?


There are so many websites which unity paid assets for free....
Sir I wanted to ask that it is right to use the paid assets for free from these websites?


Oh my god. Is it really happening? Are nested prefabs a thing now? I've been waiting for this since 2010, this makes things so much easier it's not even funny.


In a nutshell, it's the same like smartobjects in Photoshop. 16 minutes video explained in eight words. 🤓


Thats some nice standing wood you have there.


What i'm interested in is can the prefab variant have different components from the parent prefab?


Please make some ShaderGraph tutorials


why is there little to no documentation on how to access the children of the prefab through a c# script


In the past if I had a cube prefab with a textured material and wanted to make a basic level, I had to keep all the cubes the same size to avoid stretching of the texture. If I scaled the texture of one cube it would scale all the other cubes textures as well. The only solution wss to create an entirely new matrrial with different parameters for each prefab. My question is: is it possible to use this new workflow to make variant prefabs with variant materials without creating a whole new material to save drawcalls.
