The Rise and Fall of Citigroup

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In this video we go over the rise and fall of Citigroup, the fourth largest bank in the US with $1.6 trillion in assets. They were hit hard by the 2008 financial crisis and have been plagued by their bloated international operations which have reduced their efficiency compared to other US banks. Now they are trying to rationalize their operations by divesting the majority of their non-US consumer banking divisions.
0:00 - 1:15 Intro
1:16 - 2:21 Policygenius sponsorship
2:23 - 3:49 Citi founding
3:50 - 5:59 Merger with Travelers Group
6:00 - 7:48 Real estate investments
7:49 - 9:37 2008 financial crisis
9:38 - 10:45 Bailout
10:46 - 13:00 Recovery
13:01 Divestitures
#Wallstreetmillennial #citibank #wallstreet
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