The rise and fall of Meghan Markle

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Meghan Markle’s meteoric rise from game-show ornament to royal princess, then media mogul, is coming down in flames, and she's holding the match. Hollywood has turned cold, business deals are crumbling, and she's fallen out with everyone.

Her entire brand was built on hypocrisy.

She built a billion-dollar empire crying victimhood while basking in the ultimate privilege—marrying into royalty. She rails against colonialism while cashing in on royal titles, lectures on climate change from private jets, preaches feminism while finding success from tits and marriage, urges kindness while her staff complain of bullying, and demands privacy while signing multimillion-dollar tell-all deals. She inserted herself in the Black Lives Matter movement and has a performative hypersensitivity to race - even though she admits being biracial helped her.

She’s alienated nearly everyone—her own family, Harry’s family, her family, her business partners, Hollywood elites, and even the once-sycophantic left-wing press.

And she ruined Harry, the cheeky, devil-may-care soldier turned dour lecturer on systemic racism and unconscious bias. He was once the fun one, a walking antidote to royal pomp, but Meghan turned him into just another neutered California house-husband, lecturing us on “colonialism” while living off the empire he claims to hate.

He looked like he enjoyed himself more before he went woke.

Meghan Markle’s life has been a fairy tale, but not the kind with happy endings—more the Brothers Grimm version where vanity and ambition come to a sticky, ironic close.

It's emblematic of the rise and fall of wokeism. I genuinely think woke is over now. Everyone's bored of it. Nobody wants to sit around with a stick up their arse worrying about pronouns and unconscious bias. Everyone can see wokeism for what it is - wenkers leveraging pretend-victimhood to get what they want.

As a small nail in the coffin of wokeism I'm going to do a video soon about why the British Empire was brill (and why we should bring it back).

Рекомендации по теме

"Megan lecturing us on carbon emissions is like gettin' lectured on child care by Jimmy Saville." whew lad 😆


He didn't 'fly' helicopters! He failed at that after several attempts. He was NEVER a qualified pilot!


You can take the girl off the yacht, but you can never get the yacht off the girl.


Harry comes across as being a fairly empty-headed man, one who might actually be decent if he'd found a woman who'd be a good influence on him. Instead he found a narcissist airhead, and it's ruined him.


I am American 🇺🇸 and don’t like her … I hate the fact that she was barely in the royal family but she’s milking it like she’s been in the royal family for life 😂


Someone needs to tell Meghan that stealing taxpayers' money via USAID is not called work.


I noticed that she only started complaining about her life once she guaranteed her first royal “anchor baby”…


Schrodingers Feminist: will simultaneously occupy two states; “empowered” and “victim”.
Until something happens, then she will choose which state benefits her the most.


This woman and her husband do not even know WHAT the Commonwealth is!😂


She did not write to the company on her own, this was a CLASS PROJECT.


He did not fly a helicopter. William is the pilot.


I'm just sick and tired of those woke actors. From Markle to Thunberg just fakes one after another.


I genuinely didn't even know she was black until she crowed about it during and before her marriage.


I chat to the brother of some1 that worked at Megan's vineyard - she said Megan struts around nose in the air, shouting at any1 she feels deosnt give her enough reverance.. there has been a 500% turnover of staff. The business is currently failing, as a result.


She is a bad person. Luckily, I don't have any money, so I'm immune to this kind of gold digger.


Btw how did Harry shoot anyone if he was piloting the helicopter?

He failed the exam multiple times and never progressed in 10 years service. He was a gunner. Hence the ‘I killed ..’.


Everytime Harry talks she stares at him like she’s about to eat him whole if he makes a mistake or goes off script. 😂 10:18


I hate the whole "racism" about speculating on the baby's skin colour. It's literally the same as speculating on eye colour, if the kid will get the father's nose or his mum's lips. All sane mixed race couples and their families and friends do it.

And in her case the kids came out white because she's got a massive white heritage to the point many Brits didn't even think of her as black. She must have been devastated to not be able to parade a victim baby member of the royal family. Think of the photo ops in Africa.


"proud to be a woman"
such a vacuous line


Prince Harry is an embarrassment to his namesake Harry V. Imagine if Harry V said sorry I can't win at Agincourt because my wife said it would be inconsiderate to defeat the French.
