The Problem with Ginny & Georgia

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There's a huge problem with the Netflix show Ginny & Georgia. Let's talk about it.
0:00 Intro
0:52 Let me set the scene
2:23 The first problem with the show
3:22 Forced Racism
5:45 Racial tension that works
6:41 What's wrong with Britney Spears?
7:18 White mom, Black daughter
9:20 You go through men faster than Taylor Swift
10:22 The surprising takeaway for Ginny & Georgia

#GinnyAndGeorgia #Netflix #TheBlushBunny
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I really liked this review and your critiques, it was different than a lot of other reviews I’ve seen of the show and that was refreshing.

I also thought it was weird that Ginny did all those things with Marcus so fast within the first two days of moving to a new town, but I read an interesting post online that attributed that impulsive behavior to a coping mechanism borne out of trauma. It was a way for Ginny to regain control over her sexuality and bodily autonomy after her creepy stepdad touched her. Idk if that’s what the writers were intending, but I think Ginny’s romantic relationships make more sense when viewing them from that perspective. Otherwise the only explanation is that she’s a teenager ruled by hormones and they’re trying to show how she’s similar to her mom. But I think all of those explanations can exist at once.


im sorry but if marcus wasn't attractive it would just be creepy. imagine your neighbor sneaking in your window unannounced at night


"you're so like exotic looking" she clearly looks half black and half white, it's not that hard Jennifer


Another issue is Ginny saying she isn't black enough for the black people but, when she is invited to hang out she is always finding a reason not to go. She purposefully separated herself from them and only talks to the black people when all her white friends dumped her.


honestly the adults were way more likeable than the children like it was like night and day


It really annoyed me when Ginny and Hunter were having an argument about the english essay, Ginny put it in the wrong format, and she assumed her teacher was being racist.


I thought it was annoying how Ginny stated that she felt too black for the white kids and too white for the black kids but she maneuvered the white crowd pretty easily but avoided the other black girl the entire season. They only bond when Ginny faces racism with the teacher in that one episode and runs to the bathroom.


I actually really like the part where Ginnys boyfriend gives her a reality check that’s she isn’t the only one who struggles with stereo typing.


Ginny: *says something racist*
Hunter: *returns the energy*
Ginny: 😱😨🤯😤😦😮


I think Ginny ain’t shit . The way she talk to her mom is unacceptable.


One thing I hate about Ginny's character, is that she ALWAYS gaslighting her mother to reveal childhood trauma. If someone doesn't feel comfortable revealing things like abuse or traumatic experiences, then don't pressure them too. She's always "if you truly love me, you would tell me..." Let Georgia tell u those things when she's ready and comfortable.


As someone who is 15 years old, Ginny is NOTHING like a regular 15 year old at all. Like a lot of what she does doesn’t make any sense and isn’t at all anything like any person who is in either 9th or 10th grade. She is like what 50 yr olds think teenagers act like


As a biracial person, (black parent & white parent) we don't claim ginny.


My biggest problem is that Ginny has such a main character complex. Abby literally came out saying that she struggles with body dysmorphia and family issues, and Ginny has the audacity to be like “well I have problems too 🥺🥺” and everyone laughed it off. Justice for Abby.


Ginny annoyed me I like many of the characters but she was constantly victimizing herself and always jumped to conclusions about people for no reason. i feel like they were trying to create a intelligent teen who knows what she wants or something but instead she came off really bratty, selfish, and annoying.


The moment she said something along the line of “The avengers is so basic” after her friends wanted to do the Halloween costumes with that theme, I just knew she’s awful.


Just imagine
-You ran out of your boyfriend's parents house with your daughter to protect her
-You married a man 2 decades older than you to keep your daughter with you legally
-You kick your sister out of your life because she was not taking good care of your daughter
-You killed a man because he was harassing your daughter
-You did everything for your daughter to protect her from the things you went through
And after some years your same daughter says you dont understand anything, calls you a liar and runs off with your son away from her privilege life.
Seriously I feel sad for Georgia

Edit: I wrote this comment just after finishing S1, when S2 wasn't even premiered. Now I've watched S2 too and I can see a lot more about Ginny than before, we all can.


I also thought the racism was too forced and almost was an excuse that Ginny fell back on. I think the white writers just decided to wing it .


I personally hated Ginny’s character all together. I felt like everything was so forced and a lot of the racial tension scenes fell flat. They seemed like a walking trope of a sort.


This show forces racism like Disney forces feminism
