Those are things you said | Ginny & Marcus break up - Ginny & Georgia Season 2

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The thing is, he never denies any of the things she brought up that he had said to her before, like the fact that he loves her. He never said that he lost feelings for her, he only tells her that he can’t handle the problems of a different person right now which to me makes this scene 10 times sadder.


Fr exactly how my breakup went. They made it all about themselves and refused to see how much I was truly struggling.


He said he’d doesn’t have room for anyone else pain rn and Ginny just ignored it, that makes me so mad


I can’t watch their break up without crying


The way she said “you said u will always love me” got me dying on the floor


This scene just shows how self-centered she is. This was about Marcus and his issues but she made it all about herself. The one time Marcus puts himself first she throws a tantrum instead of being understanding


Guys Ginny didn’t know that Marcus was going through a lot of stuff when they broke up, she thought that he lost feeing for her, or he didn’t like her, so she was sad because Marcus was leaving her but later she finds out how Marcus feels and then tries to make him feel better. She was crying and telling this to Marcus because she didn’t know the reason why he was leaving her. To you it’s obvious he is depressed because the director is showing that to the watchers, Ginny doesn’t stalk him like we do.


I was in the same situation. My gf told me her mental health was declining and that she couldn’t handle a relationship. I was very hurt, sad, and heartbroken. I love her, so seeing everything change so rapidly really hurt. However, when she told me she was struggling, I held back what I was feeling and empathized with her. She was in pain too. I didn’t want to be selfish and make it about me. I told her that I will still be there for her if she needs me. Like Ginny, how I felt was valid. But unlike me, Ginny responded poorly.


Everyone is so focus on Marcus pain that they can’t even see Ginny pain from having the one person she cares about so much ready to leave her when she’s already feels at her lowest . Common sense she would need time to process things & when she did, I recall her being their for him and understanding why he did what he did . People just love hating Ginny like she’s suppose to be perfect or something


One of the few moments i can't be mad at her. Heartbreak distorts your ability to focus on anything but the pain.


I live with someone that suffers with depression. I understand this all to well.😔❤


When they showed Marcus pov I cried so hard, coz I understand how that feels, the feeling of not having room for someone's pain but I was Ginny too at some point, I guet both of them on this scene, someone pushing you away because they can't deal with anything and you would help them but, you don't know, and you blame yourself


Ginny has always been a bit self absorbed but not on purpose. She was also going through her own shit and she looked at Marcus as that comfort from everything else so her reaction in the moment makes sense. She was heartbroken.


The actor for GINNY IS AMAZING but also she does such a good job at making people hate her because of how self centered she is marcus is literally in depression


I hated Ginny in season 1, she was so self centered. I think she got a little better in season 2 and she kind of grew up like she needed to toward Georgia. However, Marcus was going through some things that could permanently ruin his mental health (I know because I've been through it and it has happened to me), he was struggling so much and Ginny didn't even have the decency to try to help him, even if she couldn't help him. She was supposed to be his girlfriend, his best friend, his world and she just basically used him as an escape from her own drama.


Ugh I wish they did more background story on Marcus


People saying Ginny self centered: she didn’t know. She didn’t process why Marcus was breaking up with her. She can’t read minds.


Marcus loved her unconditionally, but what she felt to see was he was in pain too. He never threw a tantrum about what he was feeling if anything he like to isolate himself from the world while she let herself be known he was suffering long before she was with him, but somehow managed to make it all about her. She treated Marcos the way that her mom treats her makes it all about her self. This thing was one I couldn’t relate with Jenny but more towards Marcus because I know how it feels when you’re in pain but you have no one to talk to that you’re always there for other people but you’re silently screaming into a pillow, because no one cares to listen. He loved her, but he barely has the strength to keep himself up let alone another person. At least he was being honest with her and not pretending.


Guys before we all jump at Ginny, please understand her POV hurts a lot too. I am going through a similar thing so it hits 100%. It really sucks hard, makes you feel insecure and played. I understand he had his own problems, but he awakened her love with no intentions of continuing it, and it really breaks you.


This scene is so sad. I saw this serie tv five times, and I have cried every time I saw this scene😭💔
