Top 10 Food Myths | Healthy Food

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The top ten food myths are that low fat equals healthy. You actually need fat in your diet to protect your joints, to feed your brain. And a lot of low-fat processed foods are filled with extra sugar and salt and preservatives to make them taste good. So, low-fat foods may actually be worse for you than their high fat versions.

Another food myth is that baked foods are healthier than fried foods. Many baked foods are actually just as bad for you, in terms of your cardiovascular health and your insulin levels. A lot of baked foods that you'll find in packages are filled with extra salt and extra sugar, and may actually be filled with trans-fats as well.

Another top ten food myth is that wooden cutting boards are not safe. Actually, wooden cutting boards will protect you from bacterial contamination. Just because you're cutting into the board with a knife doesn't mean the bacteria are gonna harbor their way into the wood. When you clean it properly with hot water and soap, you're getting rid of all the surface bacteria. And actually using plastic cutting boards over time will cause little pieces of plastic to chip off into your food, which you don't need.

Salads can be a health food, but that might be a myth if you're building your salads improperly. You can make a great salad with lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, even nuts and seeds. But if you're using your salad as a way to get your Baco's and high fat, and highly sugared dressing into your body, it's not such a health food anymore.

It can be a myth that chicken is a healthy meat. Chicken can be healthy if it's organic, and if it's not fried, if you choose to eat animal proteins. But, if you're eating your chicken and it's deep fried, or it's not organic, then it's definitely being fed things like, growth hormones, antibiotics and even arsenic, which can show up in the meat that you consume. So, be sure to choose organic chicken and either bake it or saute it, but don't fry it.

It is a myth that you need dairy in your diet to grow or maintain healthy bones. There are countless cultures around this planet that do not have dairy as a traditional food source. And they have no problem maintaining healthy bones, and avoiding osteoporosis. So, it's a myth that you need to get your calcium from dairy. Get your calcium instead from healthier choices that are low fat and cholesterol free, like green leafy veggies, and sea vegetables, and nuts and seeds.

Another top food myth, is that you shouldn't eat after 9:00 pm at night. Well, that may be true for some people, some of the time, but you're not necessarily going to gain a lot of weight or ruin your night's sleep, if you eat after 9:00 o'clock. If you're staying up late, or if you work the night shift, and it depends on what you eat at night, as well. Maybe you're having an apple or a few crackers before bed. That's not going to ruin your diet, or your good health intentions.

There is a myth that sea salt has less sodium, and I'm here to tell you that sea salt has the same amount of sodium as other, regular table salts. But, sea salt might have some trace elements and minerals in it that you're not getting from refined white, granular table salt.

It's a myth that brown sugar is healthier for you than white sugar, they're basically the same thing. They've just added some of the molasses that they've stripped away to create whit sugar, and added it back in for color and flavor. So, brown sugar is basically white sugar with a little coloring added to it.

The final myth is that you've just exercised so you need a sports drink, that's not really true. Humans have somehow evolved this far without sports drinks. You can exercise all day and get by perfectly well with good, clean, water, and a nice healthy meal.

So, these were my top ten food myths that you can use to help you start making better choices.
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For some reason, your reply here just caught me off guard and made my night. I salute you.


All depends on how you cook it, like: did they remove the skin and then bread it? What kind of oil did they use to fry it? What kind of breading did they use? ect ect


yes, thank you. I was right about not needed sports drinks.


Fats are essential, yes, but it is false to say that you need fats to "feed your brain". Perhaps a specific area in your brain such as the hypothalamus may use fatty acids, but other than that the brain uses glucose as its main source of energy. It can also use ketone bodies if it's been a while that you've ingesting a meal.


Awesome, thanks for this information.... never would of guesses, god damn business will do anything for money even demolish humanity.


it says healthy in the title but shows a piece of fried chicken in the thumbnail?


She did mention chicken...and why not to go for fried chicken...


lost me at organic chicken.. the organic food craze is the biggest myth in nutrition. 


@guitargod63 that was such a late response


true true hey but that comment made it to ygs live


@Hayastantzi92 Somebody get some ointment because thar guy just got burned


No Top Comments !! My Time To Shine :)


FUCK FOOD ! everything is unhealthy, what the fuck should i eat ? GRASS !? in a couple of years that'll find something bad even about grass
