Warframe - Using Rush and Dispatch Overdrive with Sarpa Charge Attacks (Equinox).

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Most players feel Sprint Speed is a largely useless, if at best situational stat in Warframe so they tend to undervalue these mods. But they can grant any frame a considerable amount of speed that can be used to out maneuver even some of the most agile enemies.
For a frame such as Equinox that has the ability to slow and weaken enemies, Sprint Speed is an incredibly useful tool that allows her to weave in and out of enemies without even taking damage. With practice, flanking high damage targets such as Bombards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners and C Techs, is possible simply by encircling them with the enhanced speed boost (hell anyone playing a Volt or Loki can confirm that). Using these two mods allows any frame to do this however, so it should be kept in mind by anyone that regularly uses melee and traverses large maps (the latter of which is most of the time).
By using Zenurik and having Inner Might Maxed, you gain a 60% increase to Melee Channeling Efficiency (Similar to having a maxed Reflex Coil equipped) allowing for even a Gunblade like Sarpa to continuously fire channeled shots for more damage as well as Refresh the 15 second speed boost you get from Dispatch Overdrive.
Using Rest not only will root any targets in place, making them easier to shoot, but significantly increase any damage caused by melee attacks.
An Adarza Kavat is an optional, but useful tool for any Melee based build since the Cat's Eye buff grants a flat 60% crit rate boost to all weapons, which works well with a weapon like Sarpa since it fires multiple projections per Charge Attack and each one has the potential to critically hit. This works in conjunction with Blood Rush, making for a powerful combination when factoring the stealth multipliers from Rest. Keep this in mind when rolling Rivens as even Channeling Damage can have a significant impact on the amount of damage you do.
*Condition Overload is equipped due to my normal loadout being either Pox or Staticor, both weapons capable of inflicting status effects easily, hence damage multipliers through CO's effect. This is not relevant to this demonstration, but was worth explaining*
Music is Dedicated (instrumental) by Starving Artist Crew.
For a frame such as Equinox that has the ability to slow and weaken enemies, Sprint Speed is an incredibly useful tool that allows her to weave in and out of enemies without even taking damage. With practice, flanking high damage targets such as Bombards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners and C Techs, is possible simply by encircling them with the enhanced speed boost (hell anyone playing a Volt or Loki can confirm that). Using these two mods allows any frame to do this however, so it should be kept in mind by anyone that regularly uses melee and traverses large maps (the latter of which is most of the time).
By using Zenurik and having Inner Might Maxed, you gain a 60% increase to Melee Channeling Efficiency (Similar to having a maxed Reflex Coil equipped) allowing for even a Gunblade like Sarpa to continuously fire channeled shots for more damage as well as Refresh the 15 second speed boost you get from Dispatch Overdrive.
Using Rest not only will root any targets in place, making them easier to shoot, but significantly increase any damage caused by melee attacks.
An Adarza Kavat is an optional, but useful tool for any Melee based build since the Cat's Eye buff grants a flat 60% crit rate boost to all weapons, which works well with a weapon like Sarpa since it fires multiple projections per Charge Attack and each one has the potential to critically hit. This works in conjunction with Blood Rush, making for a powerful combination when factoring the stealth multipliers from Rest. Keep this in mind when rolling Rivens as even Channeling Damage can have a significant impact on the amount of damage you do.
*Condition Overload is equipped due to my normal loadout being either Pox or Staticor, both weapons capable of inflicting status effects easily, hence damage multipliers through CO's effect. This is not relevant to this demonstration, but was worth explaining*
Music is Dedicated (instrumental) by Starving Artist Crew.