Queen | You Don't Fool Me | Arquest Live Remix

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Taken from the album 'Queen | Live From Heaven 1995 | Arquest Live Remix'.

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No more fooling around with this Arquest Live Remix of 'You Don't Fool Me'!

Queen were looking back to their groovy tracks from the early 1980s while working on 'You Don't Fool Me' and you can definitely feel that vibe in the live rendition!

This Arquest Live Remix was made using original studio tracks, instrumental and acapella versions as well as various live recordings for best possible quality.


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After touring in 1992 in support of the ‘Innuendo’ album, Queen decided to take a much longer break from work. Each of the band members pursued their solo projects, resulting in the releases of Brian’s ‘Back To The Light’ and Roger’s ‘Happiness’. Freddie was working on a follow up to the ‘Mr. Bad Guy’, having considered the ‘Barcelona’ album with Montserrat Caballé a one-off that he would never be able to repeat. And while the album was not finished, it ultimately gave him the idea of trying out his older solo songs with the whole band – and that’s how Queen versions of ‘Made In Heaven’ and ‘I Was Born To Love You’ came to life. The former even gave its title the the new Queen album, released at the end of 1995.

It contained a few tracks which started their life already during the ‘Innuendo’ album sessions (‘A Winter’s Tale’, ‘You Don’t Fool Me’ and ‘Mother Love’) as well as some reworked older material. The general theme of the album seemed to touch the subject of life and death, love and heaven which greatly influenced the sound – it was cleaner, more peaceful and calmer compared to the band’s previous output. 

Queen decided to promote the album by performing a selection of shows around Europe in late 1995, starting a few weeks before the album was released on November 6th. The setlist was a mixture between old and new material – at this point the band felt they needed to play the big hits to satisfy their audience but also managed to squeeze a couple of unexpected tracks, most notably ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ and ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ from 1978’s ‘Jazz’ album.

The band chose to play no less than 6 new songs off of ‘Made In Heaven’ and, encouraged by the global success of the MTV Unplugged format, even arranged a semi-acoustic segment in the show which included ‘Mother Love’ and ‘I Was Born To Love You’. The previous two albums were also represented with 3 tracks off of ‘Innuendo’ being played (all in different arrangements compared to the previous tour) and ‘I Want It All’ returning to the set once again. 

The ‘Live From Heaven’ outing as it was called had the band sounding fresh and eager to play in front of a live audience again. Both new and reworked songs from the new album turned out to be highlights of the concerts and confirmed that Queen was definitely not going to be overthrown. 

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Рекомендации по теме

I am discovering so many nice songs from Freddie and Queen that I never heard before. This is another one that I love. 💗


Great work. It always makes me sad though. Thinking: we are missing out on so many great performances had he still been around 😢


Words can’t express my love for this masterpiece. “You Don’t Fool Me” is my favorite Queen song and it makes me emotional hearing this, as it’s the closet thing to hearing it actually live. Keep doing what you do <33


That Solo!! One of the best in the Queen Catalog! 2:24


Brian May's solos are always just exactly right somehow - love how much they are all so totally into the music. You never get the impression any of them are giving less than 100%.


La voz que tenía Freddie era impresionante, ni los mejores imitadores lo pueden igualar. Único.


Обожаю эту песню. Фредди навсегда ❤❤❤❤


I can't stop listening to this. Wow. JUST WOW


For the new generations, Queen was one of the best rock group on stage ever and will stay that way . Mercury, Deacon, Taylor and May are Legends forever .


Very cool to have used the Live of Back Chat at the Milton Keynes Bowl. Also a very underrated song imo


Это реально недооцененный шедевр группы, песня улет!!!?


I loved how it started and how it ended.😍😍


This song is the best play it all the time. Thank u so much. Queen and dear Freddie the best thanks for keeping him with us


"You Don't Fool Me" is one of my favorite songs. I had to listen to this remix several times to "get into" it, because at first I wasn't sure about the connection with "Back Chat". After several listens, I find that it is amazing! ❤️ Beautiful work. You keep Freddie alive. Keep it up!
I suggest: the next live remix could be "Mother Love".


Goosebumps... I be brief, saying like this without exaggeration! 👏✌🏂🤝


Últimamente se liberaron archivos tras el anuncio del box The Miracle. Tanto instrumental como pistas con la voz aislada. Espero que puedas realizar nuevas maravillas! Abrazo grande!


Cara, isso ficou EXCELENTE! Back Chat deu uma base perfeita, incrível.
Fico feliz em ver que ainda fazem Remixes do Queen 👏👏👏👏
Abraços do Brasil :)


Amazing as always. I used to think how powerful this song could have been in its live version. I can't wait to hear your 'lives' of "Made in Heaven" and "Let me live" and any other surprise you have prepared for us.


I've never heard this song until now its awesome


Un adelantado a su época... Lo que hubiera podido crear con 5 años más de vida por favor ❤
