New Construction DECK is HILARIOUSLY BAD!!

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New construction deck that should not have passed city inspection BUT IT DID!! Why on earth any aspect of this passed is beyond me. Shame on the city inspector and shame on this builder for not owning up to it and fixing it.

Zac Knoblauch CMI, ACI
IL License: 450.011629
Rigid Inspections, LLC

Master Certified, ASHI Certified, serving St. Louis County, Saint Charles County and the St. Louis Metro East.

Free Thermal Imaging included with every inspection. #deckbuilder #deckbuilding #deck #decks



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The should have at least taken the 6 inches they cut from the beam and duct taped it to the other side to support that end span.


Why did my deck collapse?
Well you see, you allowed three birds to land on it at the same time. That voids your warranty


As a recently retired 50+ year precision machinist/toolmaker, let me just say what a pleasure it is to see fine quality craftsmanship and pride in ones work!


If this deck is seriously butchered by contractors I can’t imagine the rest of the house.


Imagine the weight of a group of people and a grill on that deck being supported by 6 screws.


I lost it at the loadbearing window underneath😂


I framed and built decks and screened them in for years but I'm pretty sure almost anyone can say this is an absolute mess. You got people out there that really need jobs, I'm one of them. Whoever did this needs to go try their hand at fast food or something.


Well, it only needs six lag screws in the ledger since that's a load bearing window that it's sitting on.
But seriously, as a contractor of over thirty years (who actually takes pride in his work), this is horrific! It wasn't mentioned, but there were no hurricane anchors attaching the joists to the beam either. It's painful to see what some guys will throw together. Yikes!


You said : "..shame on this builder for not owning up to it and fixing it." People who do work like that have NO shame. They just want your money


I build custom decks for a living and this hurts my soul.


Just because someone does something for a living it doesn't mean that they're good at it.


I volunteered several weeks in the harshest weather to build houses. The nightmares I seen with people pretending to know what they were doing and parts of building process not working because someone did not know how to cut wood, measure wood or assemble structures was absolutely astonishing.

After hearing what they were offering to pay, I told them that if they were that hard up that they can keep their money. A couple weeks later they lost the contract and everyone was sent home without pay for Christmas.

I certainly can relate how new homes are a nightmare.


Homeowners are building better decks than actual “contractors”..


30 year contractor/remodeler here. I had one simple rule for everyone of my guys.
The code is the base on which we stand. It is the minimum acceptable. Everything we do will exceed that. You do that and we will get along fine.


In the county I live in even decks have to be inspected. A neighbor built a three level deck that wrapped around two sides of his house. The building inspector noticed it when he was inspecting a new house on the same street. Because of the soil conditions the footers needed to be 3’x3’x8”. The home owner put it on 10”x 1’ sono tubes. The inspector made him tear it down. The guy was a contractor. The kind that got down payments from customers for work but never did the work. That was 15 years ago. He went to jail, and no more decks were ever added to that house.


Several people die each year due to deck collapses.
I’m glad you’re pointing out all the deficiencies.
Ideally the local municipality has been made aware of this very dangerous situation.


Im going to show this video to my clients when they tell me the "other guy can do it cheaper"


Years ago my Aunt and Uncle had large porch roof built off their house. Even though they were told by family members ; who used to be in construction (my father included) to use a reputable firm, they used someone out of the "penny Pincher" that a friend of theirs used to build a small shed. The guy and his helper built almost the whole structure and then notified the building inspector. Needless to say if failed on many counts! I was there when my dad brought down one of the builders (retired) he used to do sub let work for a favor for my dad he told my Aunt and Uncle everything that was done wrong. I got an education that day in building code and why it is in place. When it was all said and done they had to tear down the entire structure and start all over again. The 1st "builder" kept the money and refused to do anything more and they had to get another firm and pay everything all over again !!


Okay!! Okay!! I was drunk that day and got into an argument with my wife’s boyfriend! I refunded the customer $250.00 and gave him a coupon for the next job. Can we let it go now??? Geesh!!😡


First thought was "where's the support posts".... that will fall!

I was a handyman and built quite a few decks. I made them as solid as I could. I always over strengthened everything.. I saw so many that used nails and were pulling out of the ledger board / house. I always spent the extra and priced the job with best quality screws for all pieces...
